Best Build for a stealthy assassin in Starfield

30 aug 2023 at 13:46

In Starfield, players have the opportunity to build various character builds that directly affect their gameplay style. Some players prefer open combat, while others opt for diplomatic approaches with minimal killings, or even stealthy gameplay. In this guide, we'll explore how to create a stealthy assassin build in Starfield, the skills needed for it, the equipment to use, and the unique aspects of this playstyle.

Best Stealthy Assassin Build in Starfield

What does the stealthy assassin playstyle entail? Playing with this build allows the player to navigate different locations in stealth mode without raising alarms. Enemies won't even have time to notice what happened. This playstyle requires careful attention. Enemies have their behaviors: they follow specific paths, patrol areas, and so on. The task of the stealthy assassin is to find advantageous positions, seize the right moment, and eliminate targets with precise shots, ensuring that other enemies remain oblivious and not alarmed.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Stealthy Assassin

Let's examine the strengths and weaknesses of this class. Features:

  • Thanks to stealth, you can avoid open combat, minimizing the risk of injury or death;
  • The character can sneak up skillfully, allowing them to bypass powerful enemies;
  • Stealthy assassins excel as thieves due to their high stealth skill;
  • In stealth mode, attacking suddenly inflicts significantly more damage to enemies, allowing you to eliminate almost anyone with a single precise shot.

Of course, there are weaknesses as well:

  • This playstyle is not suitable for everyone;
  • In open combat, a stealthy assassin is vulnerable because the focus is not on defense but on remaining silent.

Best skills for Stealthy Assassin in Starfield

Starfield offers a wide variety of skills and abilities that play a crucial role in any build. For the stealthy assassin, there are several highly useful skills that significantly enhance the character. The progression of these skills is achieved through completing special challenges. For example, leveling up stealth will require performing stealth attacks on enemies, which is the core gameplay of the stealthy assassin.

ImageSkill NameDescription
StealthArguably the most crucial skill for a stealthy assassin. Leveling up stealth makes the character quieter. With each level, it becomes harder for enemies to detect the protagonist, interactions with objects don't raise alarms, and attacks/shots from stealth mode deal more damage.
ConcealmentAn advanced version of the "Stealth" skill, level: master. Provides bonuses to stealth, making the character nearly invisible.
PickpocketingA useful skill for pocket picking. It's not just an easy way to get rich, perfectly complementing the previous skills, but also an excellent option for a stealthy assassin, as it allows stealing weapons from enemies, rendering them defenseless.
BargainingThis skill suits almost any class. In Starfield, you'll need to bargain a lot to acquire new weapons, equipment, and more. This ability not only reduces prices when purchasing but also helps you earn more when selling.
DiplomacyIf things don't go as planned and open combat breaks out, the diplomacy skill helps buy time by persuading enemies to stop attacking the protagonist. With maximum level, you can even completely halt the battle, which could save the character's life in the most dangerous moments.
IntimidationWorks similarly to diplomacy, except enemies don't just stop fighting – they flee in fear. You can also choose another skill - Instigation to make enemies fight each other, or Manipulation to make enemies follow your orders (requires the xenosociology skill for aliens).
BallisticsCombat skill. Similar skills that increase damage from other weapons can also be used, but ballistic weapons work best as you can attach suppressors. The choice of skill depends on your preferred weapon type. If you're using sniper rifles, you can choose Sniper Certification, and similarly for each weapon type.
MarksmanshipLeveling up this skill significantly increases the critical hit chance, allowing you to deal much more damage to enemies.
Armor PenetrationPenetrates a portion of the enemy's armor, including helmets. Allows you to deal more damage.
SharpShootingProvides a range of useful bonuses, including increased damage and critical hit chances.

Skill progression depends directly on your preferences. 

Which Background to choose for a Stealthy Assassin

Starfield introduces a background system. You can choose a character's backstory to immediately level up specific skills. In the case of a stealthy assassin, the Cyber Runner background is best suited, granting 3 useful skills: stealth, pickpocketing, and security (hacking).

Weapons and Equipment for a Stealthy Assassin in Starfield

Choosing weapons and equipment is a personal endeavor. Everything depends on your preferences. The choice of weapons influences the further progression of skills. Thus, if you plan to use ballistic weapons, you'll need to level up the corresponding skill to increase damage and attach a suppressor to make the kills truly silent. For example, Urban Eagle is a really good choice. When it comes to equipment (armor), the lighter the better.

Author: Swordself14

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