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28 with 744 for Starfield

Interface mods for Starfield

- 637
- 200
- 0
Significantly improves the outpost interface in Starfield. - More convenient construction menu divided into categories; - Added hotkeys for switching between categories; - Different colors for more convenient interaction with the menu; - Options for 30, 60 and 120 FPS; - Other convenient features. Fully customizable using StarUI Configurator.

- 860
- 348
- 0
Makes the ship construction UI more compact, allowing you to see 33% more information. Installation path: game root folder

- 1415
- 604
- 0
The mod reworks the quest log, reducing the size. Now you can see much more quests in the journal. Installation path: game root folder

- 482
- 85
- 0
With this Starfield mod, you can see your current experience and experience up to the next level on the loading screens, just like it was in Fallout 4.

- 875
- 134
- 0
StarUI Configurator is one of the most useful mods for Starfield, which allows you to change mod settings, if the author provides such an option. StarUI mods are currently supported. Important! StarUI mods must be installed in the same folder where StarUI Configurator is installed. Usage: - After installing the mod, go to the Data folder and run StarUIConfigurator.hta. If it doesn’t work, you can run a .bat file with the same name.

- 598
- 81
- 0
A small but useful mod for Starfield that displays the number of available spaceship parts next to the repair button.

- 568
- 79
- 0
Pack of 24 cursors (select only one option). Installation path: Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data/Interface

- 651
- 205
- 0
StarUI Workbench is a mod for Starfield that significantly improves the HUD of workbenches. - Added dark mode; - More compact HUD with more information; - More information; - Sortable columns; - Recolor (the ability to change the interface color); - Ability to track the items you are looking for; - Sorting items by rarity (by color); - Many configurations; - And much more!