Starfield cheat codes and console commands: the complete list

19 aug 2023 at 21:14

Cheat codes and console commands in Starfield are special codes from the developers that are used for testing the game. Players also have the option to input these codes to make the protagonist immortal, unlock all fast travel points on the map, remove certain objects, and more. In this article, you'll find a complete list of cheat codes and console commands in Starfield. For some codes, you'll need to input item IDs, which you can find in another guide!

Full List of Cheat Codes and Console Commands in Starfield

To input cheat codes in Starfield, you first need to activate the developer console. To do this, simply press the ~ (tilde) key. The console is open, now you just need to enter the code and press Enter.

Basic Starfield Cheat Codes

Let's start with the most basic cheat codes that can help make your hero immortal and provide other advantages. Note that using such cheat codes can lead to a loss of interest in the game. 

tgmCheat for immortality in Starfield. A classic code used in almost all Bethesda games.
tclEnables NoClip mode, allowing you to pass through objects and textures, reach hidden places. While in NoClip, NPCs cannot move, they stay in place.
unlockOpens any locked doors, even those that can't be picked (locked with a key). Use with caution, as some doors are locked for a reason, and access to these locations should be blocked until a certain point. To use this cheat code, open the console, left-click on the door you want to open, and then enter the command.
killInstantly kills the selected target. 
tmm1After entering the command, all location markers can be discovered on the map and teleported to.
activateSimilar to the unlock command, works with certain mechanisms.
caqsInstantly completes all quests in the game. May cause the player to teleport to different locations and take a certain amount of time to complete.
invDisplays the code of the selected item. The code will be useful for other console commands.
coc qasmokeTeleports to a room with all existing items, weapons, consumables, etc. in Starfield. No other way to access this room.
player.additem ID XAdds an item to the inventory. Instead of ID, enter the item code, and instead of X - the desired quantity.
resurrectRevives the selected target. Simply hover the cursor over the desired deceased character, left-click, enter the command, and that's it - the character will come back to life.
taiDisables NPC AI. After entering the command, NPCs will stop moving.
tcaiDisables combat AI. Characters will no longer fight.
sexchangeChanges the character's gender from male to female, and vice versa. Visual glitches may occur.
tfcSwitches to free camera mode. Does not affect the character.
tmRemoves the interface. Suitable for beautiful screenshots, for example.
tdetectMakes the protagonist completely invisible to surrounding characters; they will simply ignore them.
KillallAn enhanced version of the Kill code. Kills all characters and creatures in a large radius.
player.placeatime IDTeleports an item or character to the main character. Instead of ID, enter the character/item code.
setav agression XAllows you to improve or worsen relations with the selected character. Enter a number instead of X.

Starfield Cheat codes for characteristics

You can separately use commands to increase characteristics and stats.

setgs fJumpHeightMin XA console command that changes the jump height. You can increase or decrease it. Replace X with the desired value.
player.setav speedmult XIncreases or decreases the running speed of the protagonist. You can speed up so much that the character will start flying, but death awaits upon landing.
player.setav carryweight XThanks to this cheat code, you can increase or decrease the maximum weight the character can carry.
player.setlevel XIncreases the protagonist's level.
player.modav SkillName XThis cheat code allows you to improve any of the existing skills to a certain value. Enter the code, skill name, and replace X with the desired number.


Let's answer the most common questions regarding console commands in Starfield.

  • Can you get a VAC ban for using console commands? No, no, and no again! This is completely ruled out, console commands in Starfield are absolutely safe.
  • Do achievements get disabled when using console commands? Yes, some cheat-codes will disable achievements. 
  • What to do if a cheat code doesn't work? Check the code for errors. Any extra character, space, or something like that can make the code not work. 
  • What to do if the code displays in squares? Most likely, you used a third-party translation instead of the built-in one. In this case, installing a fix or changing the sLanguage field to English in the folder C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Starfield may help. 
Author: Swordself14

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