How to get the Almagest jackpot and solve the puzzle in Starfield

8 sep 2023 at 9:27

If you suddenly need some extra money, head to Almagest Station Casino to solve a puzzle and receive a reward of 3700 credits. Solving the puzzle might be a bit tricky, so in this guide, we'll show you how to quickly deal with it.

Where to Find Almagest Station

Almagest Station is located in open space within the Olympus System. It used to be a large casino where players from all planets gathered, but now the location is in ruins and taken over by hostile pirates. Be prepared for a battle with them.

How to find the station:

  1. Locate the Olympus star system on the map;
  2. Head to the planet Nesoi;
  3. Dock at Almagest Casino.

The station will be floating in open space and will resemble a large white molecule from a distance - you're unlikely to miss it.

Where to Find the Puzzle Solution

Once inside the station, head to the manager's office first. On his computer, you will find the combinations to solve the puzzle.

  1. Go up to the second floor of the casino;
  2. Proceed towards the large central bar;
  3. Move forward up a small staircase;
  4. Ahead, you will see booths - this is the manager's office. The door is open, so go inside.

Interact with the manager's computer to get the information. Don't forget to loot the office - it will have many useful resources.

The combination you will find is: 12, 19, 36, 5.

Where to Find Almagest's Jackpot

Exit the office and follow this route:

  1. Go down one floor, back to the large central bar you passed earlier;
  2. Return to the same small staircase and go through a small hatch in the wall under a huge safe (or something resembling it);
  3. Continue all the way through the shaft until you see a computer (Jackpot Backend) - this is the hiding place you need;
  4. Interact with the safe and enter the found combination;
  5. Right next to the storage, there is a crate with contraband - you can take it to sell to traders and get additional credits.

Once you enter the code, you'll receive the jackpot, and 3700 credits will be credited to your account.

Overall, the mission is not difficult and is worth the effort. If you prepare well for the battle, stock up on weapons, ammunition, and medkits, you won't have any problems with the hostile mobs.

Author: victory

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