Flashlight in Starfield: what is it for and how to use it

4 sep 2023 at 15:06

Flashlight is an indispensable tool for exploring the dark corners of space, stations, outposts, and any location in general. Players are taught how to use the flashlight in the tutorial, but if you missed that moment, check out our guide.

How to Activate the Flashlight in Starfield

On PC, the flashlight is turned on by default using the "F" key, just like in most other games. Its battery life is limited, so in the open world, pay attention to the batteries left behind and pick them up.

It's worth noting that the flashlight doesn't emit very bright light, and it may not be very effective. Here's how to improve it:

  1. Increase the game's brightness in the settings;
  2. Adjust your computer screen's brightness;
  3. Download a Reshade mod for Starfield from our website. The image will be brighter and more vibrant, so you might not need the flashlight at all.

If the flashlight isn't activating, make sure:

  • The button you're pressing is set in the game's settings;
  • Your computer's drivers are up to date;
  • There are no shader errors that make the flashlight's light simply imperceptible;
  • Your controller is functioning properly if you're playing on a console. 
Author: victory

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