Ocean District Judge in Genshin Impact: where to find and how to defeat

23 aug 2023 at 10:02

Ocean Circuit Judge is one of the Fontaine Legends, residing in the underwater realm and introduced to the game with the 4.0 update. This boss boasts a significant amount of HP and deals hefty blows, which might pose challenges during the battle, particularly if players have not fully grasped the new mechanics yet.

Where to Find the Ocean Circuit Judge

Swim straight from the underwater teleporter in Elton Trench. You can identify the Judge from a distance by the glowing red circle that contains a precious chest. 

How to Defeat the Ocean Circuit Judge

Defeating the boss is not difficult if you follow these instructions:

1. Absorb the power of the Xenochromatic Armored Crab. Several of them swim near the boss;

2. Pay attention to the boss's attacks. The Judge either whirls in a vortex or releases a crab charge;

3. Catch the charge with your character, hold down "E," and strike;

4. One charged strike removes 25% of the total health;

5. Once you've taken away 50% of the total HP, the Judge will gain a shield that needs to be broken using the same principle: absorb projectiles and strike. 

The mechanics of the Ocean Circuit Judge work similarly to another boss - the Iron Viscount - for defeating which you'll also earn an achievement. In a separate guide, we've covered how to locate and defeat the Iron Viscount

Stock up on food in case you miss a few enemy attacks. Orange schools of fish swim nearby, which can restore health - simply approach them to regain a portion of HP. 

For your victory, you will earn a 5 Primogem achievement - "Ocean Circuit Judge," and access to a precious chest containing 10 Primogems. 

Author: victory

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