Genshin Impact: Exact Locations of All Geoculi

21 jan 2021 at 15:55

Geo Sigils in Genshin Impact are located in the Liyue region and are collectible items. They are needed to level up the Geo Archon statue and consequently obtain various rewards, as well as increase stamina. There are a total of 131 Geo Sigils in the game, but 130 are enough for full leveling. 

In this guide, we will show you where to find the most elusive Geo Sigils in the Chuiyun Plain and Bishui Valley. Let's go!

Geo Sigils in Bishui Valley

The map you see provides coordinates for all the Geo Sigils present on the map. Each item has its own number, and we will discuss them in the same order.  

Geo Sigil 1

You will discover it by going a bit deeper into the ruins. Remember that for this Geo Sigil, completing the "Chi of Guyun" quest is important. To find and collect the Geo Sigil, use the Traveler's ability. 

Geo Sigil 2

You will find this item to the northwest of Qingce Village. First, locate the waterfall, next to which there will be a small pond. To the right of the waterfall, there is a cave where you can find a Ruin Guard. Climb up the walls and collect the desired item. The guard won't attack, so don't worry. 

Geo Sigil 3

You will discover it on top of a tree in the same area as Geo Sigil 2. 

Geo Sigil 4

Go higher from the previous Geo Sigil, and you will see a cave to the right of the waterfall. It is well camouflaged, so take a look at the screenshots below to find it. 

Geo Sigil 5

To quickly reach the item, use the Traveler's elemental ability. Climb onto a column and glide towards the item using your glider. 

Geo Sigil 6 

The item will be high above the ground, so you'll have to be resourceful. Climb onto the nearby house and use your glider to reach the item. 

Geo Sigil 7 

Climb the wall of the house, and you will reach the artifact. 

Geo Sigil 8 

It also hovers in the air, and to reach it, you need to climb the columns. Use the Geo Traveler's ability.

Geo Sigil 9 

The item is located on the roof of a building, and you can collect it using your glider. Glide down from the nearest mountain and take what belongs to you. 

Geo Sigil 10

Glide down from the tree next to it, and you will easily pick up the item. 

Geo Sigil 11

Pay attention to the structure near the mill. See the artifact? Climb the mountain and dive for the Geo Sigil. 

Geo Sigil 12

Go to the top of the mountain, then climb the tree and glide to the Geo Sigil. 

Geo Sigil 13

It is located on an elevation.  

Geo Sigil 14

It is located on a large boulder, a regular jump should be enough.  

Geo Sigil 15

Climb up the hill, then glide to the artifact. 

Geo Sigil 16 

Climb the rock and then take the artifact with a jump. 

Geo Sigil 17

See the tower? Climb it, and there will be an item.  

Geo Sigil 18 

The item is located just above the bridge. Retrieve it by diving from the nearest hill. 

Geo Sigil 19 

Climb to the top of the bamboo and take it. 

Geo Sigil 20 

It is located in the ruins you see in the screenshot below. 

Geo Sigil 21 

You will see a Geo Sigil in the air near a rift. Collect it. 

Geo Sigil 22 

You can find it under the bridge. 

Geo Sigil 23 

It is located in the ruins under the rifts. 

Geo Sigil 24 

Climb up the ruins to the very top and jump towards the item. 

Geo Sigil 25 

You will find it on a large stone. 

Geo Sigil 26 

Climb the boulder and then try to jump. If the jump is not enough, climb the nearby tree.  

Geo Sigil 27 

A bit higher than the boulder, you will see an item. To retrieve it, use the Geo Traveler's ability. 

Geo Sigil 28 

Directly on the stump. 

Geo Sigil 29 

In the village of Huijichurlov, on a structure, you will see a Geo Sigil. Climb onto the roof and take it. 

Geo Sigil 30 

You will see it on the shore. There will be an Anemo barrier above it, to overcome it, fly into it from above. 

Geo Sigil 31 

On a small hill, you will see a tree with the artifact on it. 

Geo Sigil 32 

Go to the courtyard of Van Shu and climb up the house using a support beam. 

Geo Sigil 33 

Climb onto the roof of the inn and there you will find a Geo Sigil. 

Geo Sigil 34  

The item will be in the air but under the bridge. It is located near the courtyard of Van Shu. 

Geo Sigil 35 

Go to a small hill and look for a clover. Start interacting with it using the Anemo ability. Use the generated wind to reach the item. 

Geo Sigil 36 

You will have to fight for this Geo Sigil. As you make your way to the center of the lake, you will have to battle slimes and an abyss mage. 

Geo Sigil 37 

You can obtain this Geo Sigil only by using a pressure plate. It creates a wind current that allows you to reach the item. 

Geo Sigil 38 

It is located on a tree. 

Geo Sigil 39 

Not far from the water, you will find the trunk of a tree. The item is on it. 

Geo Sigil 40 

To reach the artifact, use the Anemo attack. This move will allow you to walk through the air and easily collect the item. 

Geo Sigil 41 

Use the Geo Traveler's skill to create a pillar that will allow you to climb straight to the item. 

Geo Sigils at the mouth of the Cuijue Slope River

In the screenshot, you can see all the items you need to collect. They are numbered for your convenience. 

Geo Sigil 1 

It is located on a tree. 

Geo Sigil 2

To find the item, you should make your way to the abandoned mine. 

Geo Sigil 3

This item is levitating in the air. You can simply use the Geo Traveler's skill to create a column and reach it. 

Geo Sigil 4

It is located in the ruins you see in the screenshot. 

Geo Sigil 5 

Use the Anemo skill on the windmill located on the hill. It will create an updraft that will carry you to the item. 

Geo Sigil 6 

See the hut? The item is on its roof. 

Geo Sigil 7 

Move directly to the statue of the Archon and go down until you reach the item. 

Author: Niysha

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