Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta: how to start and complete the quest

8 dec 2023 at 12:15

Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta! – the first storyline quest of the Amazing Fungi Tournament event, starting on 06.12 server time. It is the concluding event in Genshin Impact version 4.2.

How to Start the Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta! Quest

The quest will automatically appear in the quest journal after the start of the event. The marker will appear in the Court of Fontaine – the heart of the Fontaine region. Head to the city to meet old friends and learn about the new game taking place in the capital.

Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta!: Walkthrough

Explore the Location of the Fungi

While strolling through the streets of the Court of Fontaine, the Traveler and Paimon notice a couple of fungi. But how did these Sumeru elemental creatures end up in Fontaine? Continue down the street to find out more about this mysterious circumstance.

Talk to Two People Near the Kiosk

Next to the shop, two people will be standing – an unknown lady in luxurious local attire and a attendant from the Chamber of Commerce, Turenna. The girls are discussing the organization of the Amazing Fungi Tournament. The unknown girl mentions that she is looking for two old acquaintances – the Golden Meteor and the Silver Companion. It's easy to guess that she's referring to the Traveler and Paimon.

Haniyyah notices and recognizes her approaching friends, who initially did not recognize her. Turenna, with surprise, notes that in their region, the renowned Traveler and Paimon are called "elite warriors of mega-boss level."

Haniyyah explains and reintroduces herself to the Traveler, reminding him of the circumstances of their meeting. It was she who, in the event Nilotpala Cup, tried to fight the fungi and stop their use in the competition. However, later, Haniyyah befriended Bongo-Head and decided to support this type of competition.

This time, Haniyyah has come to Fontaine to find investors for a new challenge and attract public attention. Of course, the Traveler and Paimon agree to help her.

Play in the Amazing Fungi Tournament

After the conversation with the girls, you can play the trial level of the Amazing Fungi Tournament with Turenna.

If you have participated in a similar event in Sumeru before, there won't be any difficulties in completing it. However, new players may face challenges.

How to Complete the Simple Mercenary Challenge

Talk to Turenna to enter the trial battle. You will be given a choice of two fungi – Hydro and Dendro. Each fungi's ability is activated with the E key. You can use the ability by accumulating 3 magical gels. Combine the fungi's abilities to trigger an elemental reaction and enhance the damage dealt.

Your opponents will be mitachurls and slimes. The trial is simple, so straightforward.

Accumulate gel, press the food button in time, and dodge powerful attacks by moving the fungi out of the way with the left mouse button.

The fungi will attack autonomously, but with regular hits and low damage. Gel regenerates after killing enemies.

After completing the trial challenge, the quest will be completed. As a reward, you will receive:

  • 10,000 Mora;
  • 4 Adventurer's Experience;
  • Haniyyah's Gift of Marvelous Jellies – as a gift. 
Author: victory

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