Mirnat in Baldur's Gate 3: what to do and how to extract the talking brain

8 aug 2023 at 19:46

Mind Flayer Nautiloid is one of the first characters the hero encounters in Baldur's Gate 3. The events take place within the Nautiloid, where during exploration, the player might come across a peculiar man. Experiments were conducted on him, resulting in his brain being separated from his body. Now his brain exists separately, and it's up to the player to free him. The following will describe what happens upon freeing him and why it's beneficial for the player.

How to Find

Finding Mind Flayer Nautiloid is incredibly easy, as he cannot be missed. The actions take place right in the prologue during the mission "Nautiloid in Hell." When the player reaches the location Neuro-Gadgetry, they will find a talking brain. To do this, go to the upper part of the room using the elevator, then move to the left side.


Interacting with the brain involves starting a dialogue with it. During the conversation, the hero can inquire about what happened to Mind Flayer Nautiloid. To obtain more valuable information about the Baldur's Gate 3 lore, it's advised to listen to all possible dialogue branches. There aren't many of them here. Once the player finishes, the brain will request to be freed.

Afterward, the player can choose one of the following four actions:

  • Examine the brain - requires rolling a 10 on the intelligence check;
  • Crack the skull - requires rolling a 7 on the strength check;
  • Gently extract from the skull - requires rolling an 8 on the dexterity check;
  • Destroy the brain.

To achieve the best result during extraction, it must first be examined using intelligence. Afterward, the "Medicine" option will appear, for which the player will need to roll another 10 on the wisdom check. In this case, two rolls will be available.

Why Destroy

Mind Flayer Nautiloid's brain can also be destroyed. The simplest way to do this is to select the corresponding option at the beginning of the interaction.

However, if the player chooses to perform the extraction and successfully completes it, they can make another choice:

  • Maim the brain - requires rolling a 15 on the dexterity check;
  • Leave it untouched.

Regardless of the player's choice, Mind Flayer Nautiloid will still become a companion and function normally in the world of Baldur's Gate 3.

Author: Swordself14

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