Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition: With whom and how can you start a romantic relationship?

15 may 2021 at 12:53

In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, your Shepard can choose multiple characters to form relationships with.

In this guide, we will tell you how and with whom you can form relationships in the game Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition. Let's get started!

Relationship Options for Male Shepard

How to Romance Ashley Williams

Ashley Williams is the woman you save on Eden Prime at the beginning of the game. You will have the opportunity to get to know her after completing any of the main missions in Mass Effect. You can talk to Ashley after the events on Feros, Noveria, and Therum, after saving Liara. Each time you talk to her, choose positive dialogue options to build understanding.

On Virmire during the mission, you will have the choice between Ashley and Kaidan. If you choose to save Ashley, Kaidan will die, but you will have the chance to continue your romance with Ashley on the ship and spend the night in your cabins before the final mission.

Relationship Options for Female Shepard

How to Start a Romance with Kaidan Alenko

Kaidan Alenko is the man who works with you from the very beginning on Eden Prime. He is a member of the Normandy crew and will stay with you until the end of the game. Like Ashley, you can talk to him after completing any of the main missions on Feros, Noveria, and Therum.

Make sure to visit him on your ship each time to lay the foundation for the relationship.

When the Virmire mission begins, you will have the choice to save either Kaidan or Ashley. If you are trying to pursue a relationship with Kaidan, make sure to save him during this mission.

Options for Both Genders

How to Start a Relationship with Liara T'Soni

Liara is an option for both male and female versions of Shepard. You can start this romance the same way as with Ashley, through conversations after the main missions on Feros, Noveria, or Therum.

Liara is likely the easiest option for initiating romantic relationships in Mass Effect 1. You can increase the level of trust and conversations each time Shepard uses the beacon and needs to contact Liara. The most successful dialogue options will be at the top of the list.

Be sure to return to her in the cabin in the lab and in the ship's storage.

If Shepard tries to start relationships with both Kaidan or Ashley while also being involved with Liara, the trio will confront Shepard and force him to make a choice. The player will have to choose between the two.

Shepard can propose to all three to stay in relationships, but Kaidan or Ashley will decline.

Author: Niysha

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