New event in Genshin Impact: First day of the quest "Lost Riches"

9 jan 2021 at 14:41

In this guide, we will tell you how to complete the new Genshin Impact event "Lost Riches". Every day, two new locations will appear where you can find treasures.

Additionally, we will mention where and how to unlock this event. Let's go!

Where to find the event and the search fairy

To unlock "Lost Riches," we need to teleport to the Stone Gate. Upon opening the waypoint, you will see a complete quest description from Ulman (Liyue's bamboo island).

Once you arrive at the waypoint, fly to the guy (he is literally a few steps away from the teleporter, standing on an elevation). Tell him that the treasures have not been found yet. After that, Ulman will give you a special treasure book.

Click on the compass at the top of the panel, open the "Lost Riches" tab, and read the description.

After talking to the guy, you should have a search fairy in your inventory (go to the chest icon). Equip it, and it will assist the hero in the search.

How does the fairy work?

The fairy will appear on the side of your character, glowing brighter as you approach treasures. When you are very close, you will see a bright yellow glow in the form of a column to which you need to approach for coins (press F).

First day of the "Lost Riches" quest

So, on the first day of the event, we need to go to two locations:

1. Treasure Area: Falcon Coast. This area is located near the Lion's Statue on the Falcon Coast. You can see the exact location on the screenshot. Look for coins on a small island and on the top of other islands. Don't forget to activate the fairy!

2. Treasure Area: Lingju Pass. Look for coins only in the green upper part of the ruins. Collect the treasures and wait for the next set of tasks to unlock!

Read about where to find treasures on the second and third days.


Author: Niysha

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