Guide to the "Delicacies of the West" Event in Genshin Impact: How to Invite a Companion, Serve a Dish, and More

14 may 2022 at 10:06

The "Western Delicacies" event is now available on all servers (Asia, Europe, America)! Traveler from Sumaru named Nazafarin will give you the opportunity to prepare various delicious treats in her Teapot, and then treat your companions with them. 

How long will the "Western Delicacies" event last in Genshin Impact?

The event started on May 14 and is supposed to end on May 25. Unfortunately, at the start of the event, some Teapot functions are still undergoing technical work. They might be completed a little later, but the developers have not provided an exact date.

How to prepare condiments in the "Western Delicacies" event

After talking to the girl, new buttons "Event Description" and "Use Condiments" will appear in the event menu. Enter the cooking menu and examine the recipe. 

 If you don't have a certain flower, click on its icon, and you will see the places where you can obtain it (find or buy).

If you have all the components - click the "Cook" button. A menu will appear in front of you with an indicator, a recipe on top, and a spoon on the right side of the indicator. Look at the ingredients, memorize them, and click on the spoon when the indicator stops near the desired ingredient.

 Spoons at the bottom are the counter for your attempts. If you press the wrong ingredient or miss a turn of the indicator, you will lose a spoon.

Then go to the event menu and click on the "Use Condiments" button. A list of available dishes will appear in front of you, if you have any of them - add the condiment. It is advisable to make 3 dishes to complete the daily quota and receive all the rewards.

How to invite a character to the Teapot and treat them with Aromatic Dish?

Unfortunately, due to technical work in the Serenitea Pot, you can only treat your companion from the realm. Approach the character, start a dialogue, and treat them (this needs to be done three times). If you didn't add a companion before the technical work began, it is currently not possible to do so.

Author: Niysha

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