How to unlock and complete the world quest “Journey Through Mist and Wind” in Genshin Impact

11 jun 2021 at 9:28

The World Quest "Journey Through the Mist and Wind" in Genshin Impact takes place on the Golden Apple Archipelago, and you need to complete it if you want to reach the island in the very northeast corner of the map.

In this guide, we'll tell you how to unlock and find the quest "Journey Through the Mist and Wind". Let's go!

How to Unlock the "Journey Through the Mist and Wind" Quest

First, you need to appear at the Teleport of Twinning Island and jump right off the cliff in front of you. Descend and you'll notice a ledge and crack in the cliffside that you can drop down into (roughly in the middle of the mountain). 

Landmark - a nest with bird eggs.

Inside, break the fragile rock blocking your path and you'll find a table with some illegible notes. Read them and the "Journey Through the Mist and Wind" quest will be added to your local quests. Be sure to select it from the list in the menu if you want to track it.

How to Complete the "Journey Through the Mist and Wind" Quest

From there, you need to make your way to the waypoint shown in the northeast corner of the map. Once there, set the in-game time between 10:00 and 14:00 and you'll be able to follow the route through the mist on the surface of the water. You'll have to hop across rocks and whirlpools, but it's fairly straightforward.

When you reach the end, you'll be on the island in the very northeast corner of the map. Jump off and climb to the top of the small rocky island to find three treasure chests and a fresco on the wall. Interact with the fresco to complete the quest and get a new quest called "The Other Side of the Island and Sea".

Author: Niysha

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