Valheim: How to Kill a Stone Golem and What to Do with the Crystal. To kill a Stone Golem in Valheim, you will need to use a ranged weapon such as a bow or crossbow. Aim for the head and shoot it until it is destroyed. Once the Golem is defeated, you will be able to collect the Crystal it drops. The Crystal can be used to craft various items, such as armor and weapons.

27 feb 2021 at 16:58

Таким образом, вы можете победить Каменного голема в Валхейм и получить Кристалл, который после можно продать торговцу.

If you have been walking around the mountain biome, you have surely encountered a very elusive enemy - Stone Golem. Its elusiveness lies in the fact that it can only be quickly defeated with the right weapon. 

In this guide we will tell you about how to defeat the Stone Golem in Valheim and get the Crystal that can be sold to the merchant afterwards. Let's go!

How to kill the Stone Golem: weapon and tactics

Well, the best weapon against this creature is a regular stone pickaxe. Its advantage lies in the stone material, which allows it to deal more damage to the enemy of the same origin.

The Stone Golem attacks with two types of strikes: a quick swing and a slow one. During the slow one, run to its back and hit the weak spot. Strikes to the back will help you disable it much faster. Try to dodge the quick attack.   

However, if you don't have strong armor (at least wolf armor), it's better to avoid it. You won't be able to dodge all its strikes, especially at the first encounter.

In extreme cases, you can try using a club - it also does a good job. 

After defeating the Stone Monster, you may get the following rewards:

Thus, you can defeat the Stone Golem in Valheim and get the Crystal that can be sold to the merchant afterwards.

Author: Niysha

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