A Valheim player discovered a way to build underwater.

27 mar 2021 at 21:38

Recently, one of the players in Valheim discovered a method for building structures underwater. The user in question posted a two-minute video about it on their Reddit page. In this article, you will see how to build structures underwater in the game Valheim.

How to Build Underwater

When playing Valheim and diving into any body of water deeper than your character, you automatically start swimming and free your hands from any external items. From the moment your feet leave the ground, you can only enjoy the swim.

Reddit user AcanthisittaAny3260 shows a clever solution to this problem, explaining that as long as your feet are touching the ground, you can build as much as you want. To make this method work, you need to find any support in the water, like a beam for example. Then dive underwater and eventually you end up on the bottom of the ocean.

Below you can watch the video demonstration itself:

Building underwater from r/valheim

This discovery is really worth noting, as players have an additional building element. With this, you can build your own underwater fortresses that you can boast about in the near future!

Author: Niysha

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