Valheim: Full List of Crafting Commands in Russian and English
With item codes in Valheim, you can create an unlimited number of necessary resources.
In this guide, we will tell you about all the codes for items and creatures in Valheim, how to enter them, and much more. Let's get started!
How to Enter Item Codes in Valheim
To spawn an item or creature in the game, enter "spawn" in the console without quotes, followed by the name and quantity of the item (level if the item has one). For more details on other console commands, click here.
Below is a complete list of all known item/creature codes that you can use with the spawn command in Valheim.
All Item Codes in Valheim with English Translation *updated
The names have been translated by us for better understanding of the content. If any names do not correspond to the actual items and hinder overall understanding of the code, please let us know in the comments.
Amber - amber.
AmberPearl - amber pearl.
AncientSeed - ancient seed.
Barley - barley.
BarleyFlour - barley flour.
BarleyWine - barley wine.
BeechSeeds - beech seeds.
BlackMetal - black metal.
BlackMetalScrap - black metal scrap.
Bloodbag - blood bag.
BoneFragments - bone fragments.
Bronze - bronze.
BronzeNails - bronze nails.
CarrotSeeds - carrot seeds.
Chitin - chitin.
Coal - coal.
Coins - coins.
Copper - copper.
CopperOre - copper ore.
CryptKey - crypt key.
Crystal - crystal.
Dandelion - dandelion.
DeerHide - deer hide.
DragonEgg - dragon eggs.
DragonTear - dragon tear.
ElderBark - elder bark.
Entrails - entrails.
Feathers - feathers.
FineWood - fine wood
FirCone - fir cone.
Flametal - flametal.
FlametalOre - flametal ore.
Flax - flax.
Flint - flint.
FreezeGland - freeze gland*
GreydwarfEye - greydwarf eye.
Guck - guck.
HardAntler - hard antler.
Iron - iron.
IronNails - iron nails.
IronOre - iron ore.
IronScrap - iron scrap.
LeatherScraps - leather scraps.
LinenThread - linen thread.
LoxMeat - lox meat*
LoxPelt - lox pelt*
LoxPie - lox pie*
Needle - needle.
Obsidian - obsidian.
Ooze - ooze.
PineCone - pine cone.
QueenBee - queen bee.
Ruby - ruby.
SerpentScale - serpent scale.
SharpeningStone - sharpening stone.
Silver - silver.
Silver Necklace - silver necklace.
SilverOre - silver ore.
Stone - stone.
Thistle - thistle.
Tin - tin.
TinOre - tin ore.
TrollHide - troll hide.
TurnipSeeds - turnip seeds.
WitheredBone - withered bone.
WolfFang - wolf fang.
WolfPelt - wolf pelt.
Wood - wood.
YmirRemains - ymir remains*
NeckTail - neck tail*
RawMeat - raw meat.
Resin - resin.
RoundLog - round log.
SerpentMeat - serpent meat.
YagluthDrop - yagluth drop.
ArmorBronzeChest - bronze chest armor.
ArmorBronzeLegs - bronze leg armor.
ArmorIronChest - iron chest armor.
ArmorIronLegs - iron leg armor.
ArmorLeatherChest - leather chest armor.
ArmorLeatherLegs - leather leg armor.
ArmorPaddedCuirass - padded cuirass.
ArmorPaddedGreaves - padded greaves.
ArmorRagsChest - rag chest armor.
ArmorRagsLegs - rag leg armor.
ArmorTrollLeatherChest - troll leather chest armor.
ArmorTrollLeatherLegs - troll leather leg armor.
ArmorWolfChest - wolf armor (chest).
ArmorWolfLegs - wolf armor (legs).
CapeDeerHide - deer hide cape.
CapeLinen - linen cape.
CapeLox - Lox cape.
CapeOdin - Odin cape.
CapeTrollHide - troll hide cape.
CapeWolf - wolf hide cape.
HelmetBronze - bronze helmet.
HelmetDrake - drake helmet.
HelmetDverger - Dverger helmet*
HelmetIron - iron helmet.
HelmetLeather - leather helmet.
HelmetOdin - Odin helmet.
HelmetPadded - padded helmet.
HelmetTrollLeather - troll leather helmet.
HelmetYule - Yule helmet*
Ammunition (arrowheads)
ArrowBronze - bronze arrow.
ArrowFire - fire arrow.
ArrowFlint - flint arrow.
ArrowFrost - frost arrow.
ArrowIron - iron arrow.
ArrowNeedle - needle arrow.
ArrowObsidian - obsidian arrow.
ArrowPoison - poison arrow.
ArrowSilver - silver arrow.
ArrowWood - wooden arrow.
AxeBronze - bronze axe.
AxeFlint - flint axe.
AxeIron - iron axe.
AxeStone - stone axe.
PickaxeAntler - antler pickaxe.
AxeBlackMetal - black metal axe.
PickaxeBronze - bronze pickaxe.
PickaxeIron - iron pickaxe.
PickaxeStone - stone pickaxe.
Cultivator - cultivator.
Hammer - hammer.
Hoe - hoe.
Skill Codes
Axes - axes.
Blocking - blocking*
Bows - bows.
Clubs - clubs.
Jump - jump.
Knives - knives.
Pickaxes - pickaxes.
Run - run.
Polearms - polearms.
Sneak - sneak.
Spears - spears.
Swim - swim.
Swords - swords.
Unarmed - unarmed combat.
Wood Cutting - woodcutting.
BeltStrength - sturdy belt.
Wishbone - wishbone*
HelmetDverger - Dverger helmet.
Blob - Blob.
BlobElite - Elite Blob.
Boar - Boar.
Boar_piggy - Boar-piggy*
Crow - Crow.
Deathsquito - Deathsquito.
Deer - Deer.
Draugr - Draugr.
Draugr_Elite - Elite Draugr.
Draugr_Ranged - Ranged Draugr*
Fenring - Fenring.
Ghost - Ghost.
Goblin - Goblin.
GoblinArcher - Goblin Archer.
GoblinBrute - Goblin Brute*
GoblinClub - Goblin Club.
GoblinHelmet - Goblin Helmet.
GoblinLegband - Goblin Legband.
GoblinLoin - Goblin Loin*
GoblinShaman - Goblin Shaman.
GoblinShoulders - Goblin Shoulders*
GoblinSpear - Goblin Spear.
GoblinSword - Goblin Sword.
GoblinTorch - Goblin Torch.
GoblinTotem - Goblin Totem.
Greydwarf - Greydwarf.
Greydwarf_Elite - Elite Greydwarf.
Greydwarf_Root - Greydwarf Root*
Greydwarf_Shaman - Greydwarf Shaman.
Leech - Leech.
Lox - Lox.
Neck - Neck*
Seagal - Seagull*
Serpent - Serpent.
Skeleton - Skeleton.
Skeleton_Poison - Poison Skeleton*
StoneGolem - Stone Golem.
Troll - Troll.
Valkyrie - Valkyrie.
Wolf - Wolf.
Wolf_cub - Wolf cub.
Wraith - Wraith.
Bosses in order of encounter in the game
Eikthyr - Eikthyr.
gd_king - The Elder.
Bonemass - Bonemass.
Dragon - Moder.
GoblinKing - Yagluth.
Fish and Fishing
Fish1 - Fish.
Fish2 - Fish.
Fish3 - Fish.
Fish4_cave - Fish cave.
FishCooked - Cooked fish.
FishingBait - Fishing bait.
FishingRod - Fishing rod.
FishingRodFloat - Fishing rod float.
FishingRodFloatProjectile - Floating projectile for fishing rod.
FishRaw - Raw fish.
BloodPudding - Blood pudding.
Bread - Bread.
Blueberries - Blueberries.
Carrot - Carrot.
CarrotSoup - Carrot soup.
Cloudberry - Cloudberry.
CookedLoxMeat - Cooked lox meat.
CookedMeat - Cooked meat.
FishCooked - Cooked fish.
Honey - Honey.
Mushroom - Mushroom.
MushroomBlue - Blue mushroom.
MushroomYellow - Yellow mushroom.
NeckTailGrilled - Grilled neck tail*
Raspberry - Raspberry.
QueensJam - Queen's jam*
Sausages - Sausages.
SerpentMeatCooked - Cooked serpent meat.
SerpentStew - Serpent stew.
Turnip - Turnip.
TurnipStew - Turnip stew.
MeadBaseFrostResist - Frost resistance mead.
MeadBaseHealthMedium - Medium health mead.
MeadBaseHealthMinor - Minor health mead.
MeadBasePoisonResist - Poison resistance mead.
MeadBaseStaminaMedium - Medium stamina mead.
MeadBaseStaminaMinor - Minor stamina mead.
MeadBaseTasty - Tasty mead.
MeadFrostResist - Frost mead.
MeadHealthMedium - Medium health mead.
MeadHealthMinor - Minor health mead.
MeadPoisonResist - Poison mead.
MeadStaminaMedium - Medium stamina mead.
MeadStaminaMinor - Minor stamina mead.
MeadTasty - Tasty mead (hunger).
Means of Transportation
Cart - Cart.
Raft - Raft.
Karve - Karve.
VikingShip - Viking ship.
Trailership - Trailer ship.
Weapons and Shields
AtgeirBronze - Bronze atgeir*
AtgeirBlackmetal - Black metal atgeir*
AtgeirIron - Iron atgeir*
Battleaxe - Battle axe.
Bow - Bow.
BowDraugrFang - Draugr fang bow.
BowFineWood - Fine wood bow.
BowHuntsman - Huntsman bow.
KnifeBlackMetal - Black metal knife.
KnifeChitin - Chitin knife.
KnifeCopper - Copper knife.
KnifeFlint - Flint knife.
MaceBronze - Bronze mace.
MaceIron - Iron mace.
MaceNeedle - Needle mace.
MaceSilver - Silver mace.
ShieldBanded - Banded shield.
ShieldBlackmetal - Black metal banded shield.
ShieldBlackmetalTower - Black metal tower shield.
ShieldBronzeBuckler - Bronze buckler shield.
ShieldIronSquare - Iron square shield.
ShieldIronTower - Iron tower shield.
ShieldKnight - Knight's shield.
ShieldSerpentscale - Serpent scale shield.
ShieldSilver - Silver shield.
ShieldWood - Wooden shield.
ShieldWoodTower - Wooden tower shield.
SledgeIron - Iron sledgehammer.
SledgeStagbreaker - Stagbreaker.
SpearBronze - Bronze spear.
SpearChitin - Chitin spear.
SpearElderbark - Elderbark spear
SpearWolfFang - Wolf fang spear.
SwordBlackmetal - Black metal sword.
SwordBronze - Bronze sword.
SwordIron - Iron longsword.
SwordIronFire - Iron fire sword.
SwordSilver - Silver sword.
Club - Club.
Torch - Torch.
Trophies *
TrophyBlob - Blob.
TrophyBoar - Boar.
TrophyBonemass - Bonemass.
TrophyDeathsquito - Deathsquito.
TrophyDeer - Deer.
TrophyDragonQueen - Modor*
TrophyDraugr - Draugr.
TrophyDraugrElite - Elite draugr.
TrophyDraugrFem - Draugr female.
TrophyEikthyr - Eikthyr.
TrophyFenring - Fenring.
TrophyForestTroll - Forest troll.
TrophyFrostTroll - Frost troll.
TrophyGoblin - Goblin.
TrophyGoblinBrute - Brutal goblin*
TrophyGoblinKing - Yagluth.
TrophyGoblinShaman - Goblin shaman.
TrophyGreydwarf - Greydwarf.
TrophyGreydwarfBrute - Brutal greydwarf*
TrophyGreydwarfShaman - Greydwarf shaman.
TrophyHatchling - (?)
TrophyLeech - Leech.
TrophyLox - Lox.
TrophyNeck - (?)
TrophySerpent - Serpent.
TrophySGolem - Golem.
TrophySkeleton - Skeleton.
TrophySkeletonPoison - Poisonous skeleton.
TrophySurtling (?)
TrophyTheElder - The Elder.
TrophyWolf - Wolf.
TrophyWraith - Wraith.
Misc/Unsorted *
This section of console commands for Valheim will be filled in the coming days.
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