Gameplay mods for Teardown
- 1919
- 357
- 0
One of the most popular mods for Teardown adds a functioning winch, switchable all-wheel drive, a differential lock system and a steering mode to the game. - Control of the winch using the keys V, LMB, RMB. The system is like in Spintires!
- 1397
- 201
- 0
The modification slightly changes the debris system to increase Teardown's performance. Now, when debris touches a static object, it becomes part of it, due to which FPS increases, because there is less debris on the map.
- 3081
- 906
- 0
The mod adds a new tool, thanks to which you can turn almost any object into a full-fledged vehicle.
- 3351
- 818
- 0
Adds abilities from Control. - Telekinesis (R key); - Hit the ground (central mouse button); - Shield from debris (RMB); - High jump (hold down the spacebar).
- 3620
- 822
- 0
A powerful jetpack that adds new movement features: - Light and powerful slaps; - Flight; - Dash; - Planning in the air.
- 1979
- 302
- 0
The mod for Teardown disables the removal of small debris (particles) that remains after the destruction of objects. This leaves a longer cinematic effect after the destruction, but at the expense of performance.
- 2870
- 658
- 0
A useful mod that adds several new options to vehicles: - Door latches; - Trunk and hood lifts; - Sound notification about open doors; - Working steering wheel. With the mod itself, the pack contains 2 vehicles with this feature: Audi S8 and Gazelle Next. It does not affect the base vehicles, but is an important component for the work of other mods whose authors decided to add these functions to their vehicles.
- 3527
- 853
- 0
Mod for Teardown allows you to arrange a real earthquake. Power and other features can be adjusted in the settings menu.