Tools mods for Teardown

Laser Cutter Tool
  • 525
  • 91
  • 0
Laser Cutter Tool

A powerful laser cutter that can cut almost any material.

20 jan 2025 | Ver. 31.12.2024
Air target Spawner
  • 2111
  • 517
  • 0
Air target Spawner

A tool that allows you to spawn various air targets: drones, planes, helicopters, etc. Control: - LMB: spawn; - RMB: change type; - Center mouse button: select targets; - C/V: change target; - R: remove all targets.

29 aug 2024 | Ver. 29.08.2024
Megamind's Dehydrator
  • 2644
  • 653
  • 2
Megamind's Dehydrator

A new powerful tool - the dehydrator, which allows you to dematerialize and transfer almost any object.

9 jul 2024 | Ver. 08.07.2024
Placeable Eyes
  • 776
  • 136
  • 0
Placeable Eyes

A new tool that places scary eyes on walls and any other surfaces. - To remove the eyes, press U.

19 jun 2024 | Ver. 17.06.2024
Money Rain
  • 732
  • 114
  • 0
Money Rain

The mod adds a new tool that will allow you to make money rain.

18 jun 2024 | Ver. 20.04.2024
Teleportation Platform
  • 1062
  • 259
  • 0
Teleportation Platform

A teleportation platform that allows you to store and teleport almost any object to the desired location.

18 jun 2024 | Ver. 17.06.2024
Helldivers 2 Stratagems [WIP]
  • 1903
  • 317
  • 0
Helldivers 2 Stratagems [WIP]

The mod for Teardown adds stratagems from HellDivers 2. The stratagem menu opens with the Shift key.

18 jun 2024 | Ver. 25.05.2024
Flare Gun + Throwable Flare
  • 1776
  • 426
  • 0
Flare Gun + Throwable Flare

Teardown mod adds: - Signal (flare) pistol; - Throwable flares.

15 jun 2024 | Ver. 11.06.2024