Music and sounds mods for Teardown

All soundtrack from pvz spawnable!
  • 1428
  • 260
  • 0
All soundtrack from pvz spawnable!

Soundtracks from the Plants VS Zombies game series. Can be turned on with a radio that can be spawned from the spawn menu.

29 jul 2023 | Ver. 17.07.2023
EFT Footsteps
  • 1808
  • 286
  • 0
EFT Footsteps

Replaces the sounds of walking on different surfaces with the sounds from the game Escape From Tarkov.

28 jul 2023 | Ver. 21.05.2023
Half-Life 2 (Source) SFX
  • 3532
  • 500
  • 0
Half-Life 2 (Source) SFX

Mode changes most of the sounds and music in Teardown to those that were in Half-Life 2, and in general in games created on the Source Engine: Garry's Mod, Portal, TF, etc.

8 feb 2022 | Ver. 03.02.2022
PayDay 2  PAYDAY 2 Music Pack
  • 2677
  • 306
  • 0
PayDay 2 PAYDAY 2 Music Pack

Теперь вы можете наслаждаться музыкой из PayDay 2 в Teardown. Several musical tracks from PayDay 2 for Teardown. Installation: - Go to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Teardown\Data; - Make a backup of the Music folder and delete it from the Data folder; - Then, drop the Music folder from the downloaded archive into the Data folder; - That's it! Now you can enjoy the music from PayDay 2 in Teardown.

26 nov 2020 | Ver. null