What to remember when diving into Rust in 2021

4 aug 2021 at 12:41

Interesting survival project by Facepunch company calmly retains its previous popularity. This survival simulator has many features and intricacies that are not so easy to learn. Newcomers often venture into Rust with hopes that everything will be more or less simple and fun. Unfortunately, Rust is quite cruel to young players. Let's figure out what you need to remember while playing this project.

Forget about the torch

And so, the player appears on some beach with a stone and a torch in their inventory. It might be night, so the player lights up the torch, runs a short distance, and gets shot a few times. The situation repeats after respawn.

Using the torch for its intended purpose is a very bad idea. Extra attention will only worsen the process of surviving in this harsh world. Many players just chase after newcomers to make their lives harder. When appearing on any island for the first time, think at least about temporary shelter and resources for the initial period. Remember that after death, you'll have to start from scratch.

There are two sides

Many newcomers build houses based on aesthetic ideals, and that is a mistake. It was mentioned earlier that Rust has its own peculiarities and features. The developers did not neglect construction. Learning construction is one of the key factors for a good gameplay experience in the Facepunch project.

Remember that each wall, partition, and similar structures have two sides: strong and fragile. Place any wall on a foundation, even if they are straw walls. Take a simple stone or a basic pickaxe in your hand, and then try to destroy the structure from different sides. More damage will be inflicted on the fragile side, which is why newcomers often find themselves at the mercy of raiders.

Construct your houses in a way that all fragile sides of walls and partitions are on the interior. Also, don't forget about resources inside the cupboard: the house requires constant resource support, which needs to be stored in the main cupboard. Otherwise, the decaying process will start, and the structure will simply collapse in a matter of hours.

Storing supplies is a complex issue

In Rust, there is a large percentage of players who understand that crafting is long and tedious. They believe that it is much easier to break into someone else's house, take all the resources, and escape with the loot to their own shelter. It is because of such players that it is recommended to store all your supplies in different locations on the map or at least in different corners of the constructed house.

Don't even think about placing all your earned resources in one spot on the map, not to mention the rooms. The best option would be a small network of shelters built at a short distance from each other. If one part of the network gets attacked, the rest will remain intact.

If you don't have enough resources to build such a network, expand the territory of your base and place several hidden caches with resources on this territory. In that case, you will have a much better chance of surviving a raid and preserving at least something.

Engaging in gunfights is a losing proposition

Rust is not Call of Duty or Battlefield. In the last two games, you can confidently charge into battle with a machine gun and shoot a few heads, but in our discussed object, things are quite different. First of all, you have to obtain that machine gun, as well as think about armor and medical supplies. Only after that can you go into battle, although there is still a chance of getting hit by a stray sniper bullet.

Rust is not a game about open gunfights. Since the value of weapons is at its maximum, losing the same rifle in an open gunfight will be quite painful. And that's not all: some players use bushes for tactical maneuvers. Even an ordinary player without armor but with a pistol in hand can defeat a player with a Thompson submachine gun in a confrontation.

Don't rush into action, observe the situation, and try to identify the most convenient moments for attack. Don't forget about escape routes and the opportunity to hide acquired resources if the gunfight doesn't go according to plan. By the way, it's not worth celebrating after successful victories over other players: there will always be someone stronger. Today, someone is killing newcomers in packs, and tomorrow, that player's shelter is turned to ashes with rockets.

Playing alone is extremely difficult

The discussed project from Facepunch is not the best multiplayer game for a single person. To achieve even small goals within the game, you'll need to farm resources for a considerable amount of time. There's no guarantee that some lunatic won't take away your hard-earned resources by force or with weapons. Playing with friends can help you reach your goals much faster, and you'll always have comrades nearby to cover your back from savages.

By the way, on official servers, there are numerous clans fighting each other for dominance on a particular server. For players who prefer to play solo, there are special custom servers labeled as "solo." It is prohibited to team up with others on such servers, as it can result in a ban. If you still want to experience the gameplay on an official server, don't forget to bring at least two or three friends along.

Remember about medical supplies

Once players have the ability to craft the coolest weapons, they invest all their resources into that and forget about medical supplies. During battles, it's essential not to take damage because firearms not only cause damage through direct hits but also through bleeding.

Try to have at least a few medical syringes for quick health regeneration and several bandages to stop bleeding and slowly restore lost hit points.

Forget about the key in your inventory

In the early stages of the game, you can only create a wooden door and a regular lock. An upgraded option is a code lock that can be encoded and opened at any time with the correct password. With a regular lock, things are more interesting: after installation, you can create a key that locks and unlocks the device.

When leaving your shelter in search of resources, do not take the key with you. After death, anyone can pick up the key from your corpse and unlock the door. If important resources are inside the dwelling, it's better to retain access to those resources and the already constructed building after death rather than losing everything.

Trusting someone in these conditions is a bad idea

Interacting with other players in Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a common practice. Interacting with players in Rust can only cause significant damage to your gameplay progress. It's definitely not the type of game where you can trust the first person you meet and forget the thought that they might betray you at the most inconvenient moment.

If you need to exchange an item for another, it's better to seek help from safe zones or traders. Standing in the middle of a field and communicating with a player to learn the details of the exchange is a highly bad idea. 

Author: admin

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