Genshin Impact: How to Create and Where to Get a Warming Bottle

27 jan 2021 at 12:30

To get the schematic for the Grelka, you need to raise the level of the Eternal Frost Tree to 4 units, using the Crimson Agate. When you reach level 4, the Grelka Warming Bottle will be unlocked. 

In this guide, we will tell you how to create the Grelka Warming Bottle to survive the frigid cold of the Dragonspine. Let's go!

Why do you need a Grelka Warming Bottle in Genshin Impact?

In the Dragonspine region, all characters in your party are susceptible to the new base effect of the location - Frigid Cold. This is due to the incredibly low temperatures in the new snowy mountain region. When Frigid Cold is in effect, your health will start to decrease. If left unchecked, all characters will die.

How to Survive the Frigid Cold of Dragonspine

To level up the Eternal Frost Tree, you need to gather Crimson Agate. After each level of tree upgrade, you will need to gather more and more agate, but it is worth it.  

One way to mitigate the effects of Frigid Cold is to stay near a fire or create a warming bottle. After you unlock the schematic, head to the blacksmith in Mondstadt or Liyue and you will be able to craft the bottle (if you have the necessary materials).

Recipe for creating the Grelka Warming Bottle: 

Author: Niysha

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