Genshin Impact Element Guide for Beginners: A Description of All Elemental Elements

27 jan 2021 at 19:30

Genshin Impact is a popular RPG action game created by Chinese developers. In order to effectively use the characteristics of the characters, you need to learn what they represent.

The article is dedicated to the study and explanation of all the elements in Genshin Impact and how to properly combine them. Let's go!

List of Elements in Genshin Impact

Each element in the game has a specific name:


  Earth element


  Nature element


  Lightning element


  Wind element


  Fire element


  Water element


  Ice element

Main elements: Hydro, Pyro, Electro, and Cryo.

To see the element of your character, simply go to the character menu (see screenshot).

All main elements, excluding damage, cause the target to have a negative effect:

  • Cryo. The enemy becomes less resilient.

  • Electro. The regeneration of your enemy becomes significantly slower. Remember that if the enemy is standing in water, damage will be dealt to everyone nearby. 

  • Pyro. The character ignites and receives 3 HP damage per second.

  • Hydro. Your enemy becomes vulnerable to Cryo attacks. 

How to Properly Combine Elements in Genshin Impact

Learning to properly combine all the elements in Genshin Impact is crucial. By mastering the intricacies of the elements, you can fully utilize the advantages of each one. Combining elements in battles gives you a significant advantage over your enemies.

Below are the main combinations of elements and their explanations:

  1. Overload: It occurs when you sequentially use Pyro and Electro abilities. The combination of these two elements triggers a massive explosion, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

  2. Vaporize: This effect occurs when you combine Cryo and Pyro elements. It works by first dealing Cryo damage and then igniting it with Pyro, resulting in 200% increased damage. Reversing the order will still deal 150% damage to the enemy.

  3. Melt: Combine Pyro and Hydro attacks. When dealing damage with Pyro, the subsequent Hydro attack deals 200% increased damage. Reversing the order will still deal 150% damage.

  4. Swirl: Use Anemo and Geo abilities together to disperse all enemies around you.

  5. Crystallize: By combining Geo and Dendro elements, spikes will erupt from the ground, dealing damage to all enemies.

  6. Superconduct: To trigger this, combine Cryo and Electro attacks. It causes an explosion that deals AoE damage to all enemies.

  7. Frozen: If the enemy is affected by the "Wet" status and you hit them with Cryo damage, they will be frozen.

  8. Burning: Attacks from Dendro and Pyro weaken your enemy if they have a wooden shield.

  9. Dispersion: To deal powerful damage to a large number of enemies, combine Anemo, Electro, Cryo, and Hydro elements.

  10. Poisoning: Combine the elements of Water and Dendro, and a mist will form around you, dealing damage to enemies.

  11. Charge: Electricity and Water, when interacted, create a negative effect that negatively affectsenemies.

To make the combinations even stronger, you need to collect specific sets of artifacts.

Elemental Resonances in Genshin Impact

Characters that are in the same party can benefit from elemental resonance.

The following combinations exist:

  • When four random elements are combined, the character's damage output is increased by 15%.

  • Geo-Geo: If the character has a shield, the damage they deal is increased by 15%.

  • Pyro-Hydro: The duration of negative effects from Cryo is reduced by 40%, and the character's damage is increased by 15%.

  • Cryo-Cryo: The negative effects of Hydro are reduced by 40%.

  • Hydro-Hydro: Healing is increased by 30%, and the effects of Pyro are reduced by 40%.

  • Electro-Electro: The negative effects of Electro are reduced by 10%. The chance of a critical hit increases by 15%.

  • Anemo-Anemo: The character's sprinting speed is increased by 10%. The character becomes more enduring by 15%.

Author: Niysha

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