Kingdom Come Deliverance: how to find a spade (shovel) for the miller Peshek in Rattay

8 jun 2024 at 9:06

To complete certain quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you need to find a special item - a spade. For example, during the quest "Homecoming," you'll need the item to bury your parents, and finding it can be problematic. 

Another similar quest is "The Good Thief," which will introduce you to several millers who engage in theft and selling stolen items. You'll need the spade to dig up the merchant's grave and remove a ring from his finger, which you need to take to Woyzeck Kohelnitz.

Where to Find the Spade in Rattay

The miller Peshek will assign you the task of finding the ring, and he'll also teach you the skill of Pickpocketing. You'll automatically enter the man's house after completing the prologue. Peshek isn't shy about asking Henry for payment for his services, in the form of blood and food. One way to pay him back is to fulfill a small task: acquire a ring from a wealthy merchant, whose body is already buried. 

After speaking with Peshek, don't go far! To find the spade, head to the backyard and locate the cart. You need to cross a small path. 

Look for the brown horse in the middle of the trail - nearby will be a wagon. The spade will be leaning against it. Many players overlook this spot and hastily run away, only to struggle to find the necessary item later.

Once you have the spade, head to the quest marker at the grave. After digging, Henry discovers that the ring is missing - someone likely beat him to it. And that someone is the executioner. Return to Peshek with the news to complete this part of the quest.

Author: victory

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