How to Pass the Meeting with Noelle Act 2 in Genshin Impact: All Endings and Answer Options

28 apr 2021 at 10:36

In this article, we have already told you how to complete the meeting with Noelle Act 1 in Genshin Impact. Now, we will share information on how to obtain all memories and endings in the meeting with Noelle Act 2, "Preparation for the Knighthood Exam." Let's go!

Ending 1 and 2 - Common Route

Diligent Maid:

  1. Say that you just came to greet her.
  2. Ask how you can help.
  3. Ask, " half a year?"
  4. Maybe try to ease her worries first?
  5. Suggest changing the environment as it might help.

Journey to Liyue:

  1. Compliment her appearance.
  2. Talk about food that can be eaten without chopsticks.
  3. Choose the exam option that helps learn about dealing with Li Yue people.
  4. Let's go to the "Wanmin" restaurant.
  5. You can do it!
  6. Your cooking is delicious too.

Local Armory in Liyue:

The choice you make at the end of this part will determine the final route you get.

Ending 1. Peace Amidst the Rocks
At the harbor, we can learn something from Millet.

By choosing this option, you will get this ending.

Ending 2. The Tale of the Maid-Knight
Let's go for a knockout in the third round and then continue the investigation.

By choosing this option, you will get the second ending.

Ending 3 and 4 - Common Route 

  1. You don't look well.
  2. I can be your study buddy!
  3. I thought it was more inevitable...
  4. Maybe try to ease her worries first?
  5. Don't hide from it. Confront the stress of the exam head-on.
  6. You could try taking more exams to get used to the atmosphere.
  7. I often participate in the Adventure Guild's ranking exams.

From this point on, you need to talk to Cyrus and take the exam by answering his questions. We have written about it in this article.

Ending 3. The Perfect Result 
If you get the highest score on Cyrus' exam, you will automatically unlock this ending.
Ending 4. Alternative Ending
If you fail Cyrus' exam, you will automatically unlock this ending.

Ending 5 and 6 - Common Route 

Preparing for the Emergency Exam:

  1. Just came to greet her.
  2. I can be your study buddy!
  3. I thought it was more inevitable...
  4. Maybe try to ease her worries first?
  5. Don't hide from it. Confront the stress of the exam head-on.
  6. You can try to imagine yourself taking the exam.
  7. If you can fulfill the duty of a qualified knight, you'll feel more confident in the exam.

Noelle Leaves

You will engage in several battles here, accompanying Noelle. The choice you make at the end will determine the route and ending you get.

Ending 5. The One and Only Noelle
You could become the acting Grand Master like Jean.
Ending 6. Maid's Duty
You could become the captain of the cavalry like Kaeya.

Author: Niysha

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