Hydro Tulpa in Genshin Impact: how to find and defeat

11 nov 2023 at 11:30

The Hydro Tulpa is the world boss of the Fontaine region in the game Genshin Impact. The Hydro Tulpa constantly summons minion monsters to assist her in battle, somewhat motivating the use of a strategic approach in the fight. In this guide, we will tell you where to find the boss, the materials dropped from it, provide examples of characters and squads that are best suited for battling it, and give advice on how to defeat this boss, taking into account its behavior and attack patterns.

Where to Find the Hydro Tulpa in Genshin Impact 4.2

You can see the location of the boss arena on the map below: it's a partially flooded cave in the Chemin de L`Espoir location, the entrance to which is hidden among the rocks.

For quick navigation, teleport to the eastern underwater waypoint in the city outskirts. From there, the path to the Hydro Tulpa is not far – to the west.

When you swim through the passage and move forward a bit, you will encounter a transparent wall, and beyond it – a dried area.

There is a teleport point nearby for convenient future travel.

How to Defeat the Hydro Tulpa

Party Preparation

The Hydro Tulpa has standard % resistance to all damage types (10%), including Hydro and physical damage. The most advantageous solution is to use the boss's environment against itself – since you are fighting in a water environment, both the opponent and you will have the Hydro status, contributing to the creation of damage-boosting elemental reactions. If you plan to bring an Electro character, be careful: the Overloaded reaction will also affect you. Dendro characters can disrupt the battle with the constant formation of the Budding reaction, significantly reducing the chance of survival against the explosions of buds. We recommend paying special attention to Cryo characters: although they cannot freeze the Hydro Tulpa, they can deal with the minions, whose presence on the field needs to be prevented by all means.

Mentioning something more specific, ideal teams include:

  • Klee+Xianling+Bennett+Kazuha or Ningguang+Diona+Bennett+Zhongli, based on Pyro and taking advantage of the Vaporize reaction;
  • Teams oriented towards Hyperblooming – Raiden Shogun+Nahida+Furina+Yelan as an example;
  • Monocryo or anything with a Cryo character in it. For example, Ayaka+Shenhe+Kokomi+Kazuha will work well.

Battle Strategy

Entering the battle without knowledge of key aspects of behavior and "tricks" is at least unwise: the boss has become famous for having the highest HP of all bosses added to the game so far. It's most important to destroy the three Small Half-Tulpas that appear on the field, as if they reunite with the main body, it will significantly strengthen. Also, don't forget that the Hydro Tulpa loves to teleport from one corner of the arena to another, so ranged characters can play a decisive role in the outcome of the battle.

What Drops from the Hydro Tulpa

From the Hydro Tulpa, you can obtain the following drops:

  • 200 Adventure EXP;
  • Water That Failed To Transcend (used for Furina's ascension);
  • Lazurite Gemstone;
  • Mora, Companionship EXP, and Artifacts.

Good luck in the battle! Thanks to KyoStinV for the screenshots.

Author: Swordself14

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