What does the phrase Unta Mosi Dada mean in Genshin Impact?

28 may 2021 at 19:41

In this guide we will tell you what the phrase hilichurl Unta Mosi Dada (Unta Mosi Dada) means and how it is translated in Genshin Impact.

Translation of the phrase Unta Mosi Dada 

The direct translation of this phrase is "wonderful time from noon to sunset", and hilichurl means practically any time between noon and six o'clock in the evening. 

You can always open your dictionary that Ella Mask gave you by going to the "Catch Me If You Can" section in the events menu and pressing the hint button for the guide at the bottom of the event description. There are quite a few hilichurl phrases there, but luckily it's quite easy to understand what these little guys are talking about.

Author: Niysha

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