How to Pass the Meeting with Diona in Genshin Impact: Answer Options and All Endings

28 apr 2021 at 9:11

After meeting Diona at "Cat's Tail," you have to choose between various event options. 

In this guide, we will tell you how to reach all the endings of the meeting with Diona in Genshin Impact, Act 1 "The Cat and the Special Cocktail." Let's go!

Meeting with Diona Walkthrough 

Act 1 "The Cat and the Special Cocktail"  

Nimrod will advise you to go to the bar to try the most delicious drinks in town. 

Below, we will provide you with a path that will allow you to get each of the endings of the meeting with Diona.
1. Cat Party
  • Respond that you're here to see the cutest kittens.

You'll accompany Diona in the search for the tail-wagging furballs.

  • Say that you're quite experienced in rooftop climbing.

Head to the marked area to climb onto the roof.

  • Answer: "A toy for cats."
  • Answer: "But it's really cute."

Go to the blacksmith in Mondstadt.

  • Answer: "Let's treat him to cat food."
  • Praise the signature drinks and say they're already getting attention.
  • Ask if he likes toys.

Go to the square near the cathedral.

  • Agree and say she should pick him up herself.
  • Say that everyone wouldn't care about cats if it weren't for the signature drinks.
  • Answer that everyone loves the drinks she pours.

That's it! For this ending, you'll receive the achievement "Queen of Kittens" and, of course, one of the memories.

2. Elusive Cat

To get this outcome, go to the stage "The Secret of the Cat Search." Catch the kittens.

Now you need to choose the following answers: 

  • Answer: "A toy for cats."
  • Answer: "But it's really cute."
  • Suggest giving cat food.
  • Praise the signature drinks and say they're already getting attention.
  • Agree and say she should pick him up herself.
  • I think you could make money from this.

As a result, the girl will be upset because you can earn money from the cats. You'll receive the memory "Elusive Cat."

3. Exceptional Feature

Start your meeting from the very beginning.

  • Say that you would like to try a new drink.
  • Say that a non-alcoholic drink would be fine for you...
  • Ask for a special addition.
  • Ask, "What is all this for?"

Go to Springvale to collect materials.

  • Ask if you can take a step further?
  • Suggest trying a new method of making drinks.
  • (It feels like he was preparing for this conversation).
  • (It was in their plans from the very beginning).

So now you need to perform actions that are completely opposite to what is written on the screen.

  • Add a lizard tail to the dandelion wine.
  • Add all the slime goo to the cocktail.
  • Add all the butterfly pollen and fish scales to the cocktail.

Again, perform actions that are completely opposite to what is written on the screen.

  • Cut the lizard tail and add the prepared pieces to the cocktail.
  • Add a little slime, let it sit, and then stir.
  • Add all the butterfly pollen.
  • Now crush the fish scales and then add them to the cocktail, but together with the slime goo.
  • Ask if it really turned out that bad.
  • Mention the wink.

After this ending, you will receive another memory called "Exceptional Feature".

4. Diona's Special Drink

Start your meeting from the very beginning.

  • Say that you would like to try a new drink.
  • Say that a non-alcoholic drink would be fine for you...
  • Say that you would like a special base.
  • Ask, "Do you want to make a drink from... this?"
  • Threaten to stir up all the monsters.
  • Reply, "Draff said he already found it. Let's ask him."
  • Ask what's going on.
  • Answer that it should be with Diona.

Another memory is now yours!

5. Fifth Ending of the Meeting with Diona

Start the ending from the stage "Special Base for Cocktails".

  • Ask, "Do you want to make a cocktail from... this?"
  • Threaten to stir up all the monsters.
  • Say that you can handle such monsters and bring the decoction.

Now you need to head towards the special cauldrons (they will be shown on the map) and then press "Craft" on the "Hilichurl Pot". You will then be told that Diona may be looking for this concoction.

  • Yes, here it is.
  • Ask if it's really drinkable?...

After this ending, you will receive a special achievement and one of the memories. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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