Run This Town in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty: Iago Szabo Or Chester Bennett

11 oct 2023 at 11:06

Run This Town is a story quest of the Phantom Liberty expansion in which the protagonist can influence the choice of leader for Dogtown. It's up to Vi to decide who will take the leadership role – Iago Szabo or Chester Bennett.

How to complete the Run This Town quest

Before making the final choice between the two potential leaders, you must progress through the quest storyline.

After the death of the former de facto leader of Dogtown, Kurt Hansen, there's turmoil over who will take over. Right after completing the previous quest - "Firestarter", Mr. Hands contacts Vi and sets up a meeting for further negotiations.

Meet with Hands

Head to the designated location - the "Hard Hearts" bar. Enter the building and go to the 3rd floor. Hands will be waiting for you there.

The fixer plans to push Chester Bennett as the new leader. However, he's not the only one aiming for this position. Hands will give Vi a task: talk to Iago Szabo, who also intends to become the leader. Your task is to convince him otherwise. Change into Agilar's suit and leave the establishment.

Find and speak to Iago

Disguised as Agilar, head to the wasteland. Wait for Iago's meeting with the "voodooists" gang. Head to a small dilapidated building, go to the second floor and wait by the bed.

As evening approaches, the "voodooists" will scatter. Take them down either in open combat or stealth – it doesn't matter. After the fight, approach and talk to Iago, who will be nearby.

Here, the dialogue options branch out:

  • "You'll die" - engage in open combat with Iago and Charlie;
  • "You'll go back to your place" - Iago will peacefully renounce his claim;
  • "The same thing that happened to the voodooists" - Iago will be frightened by your determination and reveal more about his motivations.

At the end of the conversation, Charlie will attempt to shoot Vi – return fire to stay alive. Iago will warn Vi and claim that Bennett collaborates with the Arasaka Corporation and will simply hand over the town if he becomes the leader.

After talking to Iago, you can choose between two paths:

  • Call Mr. Hands – effectively, you've completed his task and can report back;
  • Contact Chester Bennett – an additional mission to learn more about the second candidate's connection to "Arasaka".

Find Bennett

If you choose to meet with Chester, head to the business district following the quest marker to the "Corporate Center". Activate Agilar's imprint and wait for Bennett's arrival. Bennett won't be alone – you'll need to deal with the driver and catch the candidate off-guard. Take the driver's place and talk to him.

From the conversation, you'll learn that Bennett is indeed a traitor and collaborates with the Arasaka Corporation, which promised to support him. You have two choices:

  • Tell him Iago has given up his claim – Bennett will then drop his collaboration with the corporation, betraying no one;
  • Engage in combat with Bennett – the outcome will be the same, with Bennett backing off once his health drops to 25%.

Afterwards, you can attend the farewell ceremony where Dogtown's fate will be decided.

Attend the ceremony

Go to the "Black Sapphire". Activate your disguise, enter through the main entrance, take the elevator to the last floor, the 99th.

Talk to the candidates and choose the leader of Dogtown

Speak to Iago, who will escort Vi to Bennett. Directly over the corpse of the former leader, the election will begin, profoundly influenced by the protagonist's decision. The dialogue suggests a tense relationship between Iago and Bennett, making a peaceful resolution challenging but possible.

Who to choose: Iago or Bennett?

Choose Iago and kill Bennett

Choose Iago's side after the mentioned confrontation with Vi. In the conversation, select: "No, you won't get anything, Bennett". This will anger him, leading to the following dialogue options:

  • "Control yourself" or "At a funeral?" - Bennett becomes enraged and kills Iago;
  • "Enough" - Vi kills Bennett, effectively making Iago the sole candidate and leader of Dogtown.

Be cautious, as Bennett is likely to kill Iago in this scenario.

Hands will be displeased with your choice, as you deviated from his preference, leading to another candidate's victory.

Choose Bennett and kill Iago

Iago will be killed in all the mentioned scenarios, leaving Bennett to take charge. An alternative option to resolve the conflict immediately:

  • "You want a massacre in Dogtown?" - Iago immediately gives up his claim, making Bennett the leader.

Hands will appreciate your decision, as you followed his preference.

Peaceful resolution

A scenario exists that allows both candidates to live and share power. In the dialogue, choose:

  • Threaten with a weapon or say "Show respect to the dead";
  • "We'll be watching you".

This scenario leads to a compromise: Bennett becomes Dogtown's leader, with Iago as his right-hand man. This is, arguably, the most favorable outcome where all parties reach an agreement, and Hands' task is successfully accomplished.

In any case, the choice of a new leader won't influence the story progression, with the only consequence being Hands' potential disapproval.

Author: victory

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