How to use Quick Movement in Cyberpunk 2077

11 dec 2020 at 14:53

Quick Movement in Cyberpunk 2077 allows you to move around the Night City map much faster and easier than on foot or by car. Fast Travel and the ability to freely explore the Night City universe will only be available after the prologue of the game and meeting with Doc Tormentor.

How to Use Fast Travel in Cyberpunk 2077

All Fast Travel points will be marked on the Night City map. At each of these points, you will have to physically visit to unlock the ability to quickly travel to already visited areas.

You won't be able to use fast travel in Cyberpunk 2077 without first visiting the chosen location.

Yes, this means that all locations with fast travel points need to be unlocked manually. However, it's worth it!

How to Unlock Fast Travel Points in Cyberpunk 2077

Unlocking additional fast travel points is very simple - you have to reach the destination district. If you are in the immediate vicinity of the marked point (at a medium distance), then you don't have to approach the exact location on the map - the fast travel of this area will be automatically activated!

Roughly speaking, the more places you explore, the more time you will save in the future. Completing the main story quests is probably the best way to explore the city.

Author: Niysha

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