How to find The Amulet of Bhaal in Baldur's Gate 3

7 nov 2023 at 9:08

The Amulet of Bhaal in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the first key to opening the passage to Bhaal's Temple. You can obtain it in Act Three. It is necessary for completing a quest and useful in combat.

Where to Find and Obtain the Amulet of Bhaal

You can obtain the amulet from Sarevok Anchev. To do so, head to the Murder Tribunal. You can access this location through the quest "Impress the Murder Tribunal." To unlock access to this quest, you need to complete several missions:

  • "Solve the Open Hand Temple Murders"
  • "Investigate The Murders" - during this quest, you can obtain the password for the door in the Murder Tribunal basement.

Descend into the Murder Tribunal Basement

Head to the Candulhallow's Tombstones location. To open the secret passage, press the button under one of the paintings and say the secret word you learned in one of the missions: "Sicarius." The basement door will open, allowing you to proceed.

Deal with Sarevok Anchev

Enter the main hall of the basement, where you will encounter Sarevok Anchev. After defeating him, you can obtain the rare amulet.

Special effect of the amulet: It causes bleeding on any target with maximum health, making your attacks more effective. 

Author: victory

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