Cyberpunk 2077: Best Modifications for the "Berserk" Cyberimplant

7 jan 2021 at 18:05

Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077 plays a crucial role in building your character. However, in order to maximize their benefits, you need to fill all available slots for modifications. 

In this guide, we will tell you about all the best modifications for the "Berserk" cyberware in the game Cyberpunk 2077. Let's get started!

Which Modifications to Install in the "Berserk" Cyberware 

In this cyberware, there are only 9 slots for modifications: 2 rare, 1 legendary, and the rest are randomly generated in quality.

Well, let's start with the epic components:

- Berserk: Crushing. Increases the chance of critically hitting an enemy by 15%. It can be purchased at Kabuki, the local "Minute Implants" clinic.

- Berserk: Precision. Increases critical damage by 25%. It can be purchased at a clinic in the Watson district.

Legendary modifications for "Berserk":

- Feral Rage. Increases armor, all resistances, and more.

Now let's talk about modifications whose value is generated completely randomly. 

Sometimes it makes sense to save before searching for a particular item so that you can reload and try again (it's quite likely that in one of the attempts, a legendary item will drop).

Berserk Modification: Armor. You can purchase the rare version at Doctor Octavio's clinic. Complete characteristics:

Berserk Modification: Fury. You can buy the rare version from a ripper in the Badlands.

Berserk Modification: Concentration. You can purchase the uncommon version from Doctor Chrome in Watson. Complete characteristics:

The legendary version of such modifications will have completely different characteristics.

Berserk Modification: Vigor. You can purchase the uncommon version from a ripper in Japantown. Complete characteristics:

Berserk Modification: Duration. You can purchase the uncommon rarity at Doctor Cassius' clinic.

That's it! With these enhancements for the Berserk cyberware, your character will become much more powerful. Good luck with your gameplay!

Author: Niysha

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