How to get the best ending in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt?

9 jan 2021 at 15:40

The Witcher 3 is a legendary game that has captured the hearts of a huge number of gamers. It's currently trendy to compare all games with The Witcher 3 because the game is practically perfect in every aspect, including its story. In this game, your decisions truly impact many things, and players often see the consequences of even the smallest choices.

This system also applies to the endings, and depending on your actions in The Witcher 3, the endings will differ. Many consider the ending where Ciri becomes a witcher to be the best. Perhaps it is. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve this ending, what decisions you need to make, and what the outcome will be.

 AttentionThis article contains spoilers. It's unavoidable. The game has been out for many years, but if you still haven't played it, many moments may be spoiled in this article.

What decisions to make for the best ending in The Witcher 3

There are actually two good endings: when Ciri becomes an empress and when she becomes a witcher. Many consider the ending where she becomes a witcher to be the best because she genuinely enjoys it and is happy. In the ending where she becomes an empress, an entire country wins, but throughout the story, we learn that she doesn't really want to become an empress and doesn't particularly like her father. So, what do you need to do to get the best ending in The Witcher 3:

- The first choice begins at Kaer Morhen. A bloody battle takes place there between Geralt's allies and the Wild Hunt. During this clash, Vesemir, the legendary witcher who is also very close to Ciri, dies. Ciri takes Vesemir's death very hard, and during the conversation with her in Kaer Morhen after the battle, you need to suggest playing a snowball fight. To do this, choose the dialogue option "I know it'll cheer you up." After that, a snowball fight will commence, and Ciri will be very delighted.

- The second choice occurs again at Kaer Morhen. The battle is already over, and at night, Ciri wakes Geralt of Rivia to talk to him. As a result, we learn that she is planning revenge and wants to kill the one who killed Vesemir. And there is a perfect opportunity for that. Of course, agree with her, but during the dialogues, convince Ciri to go and talk to the emperor (her father) first. She agrees. When we go to the emperor, he offers money to the witcher, and it is crucial to refuse. Then Ciri realizes that Geralt truly loves her and isn't doing all this for personal gain.

 In The Witcher 3, there are no money problems, even at the highest difficulty level. Therefore, by not taking the money, you won't lose practically anything.

- The next choice is made in the third act. We have to make several choices there. During the course of one of the quests, the Lodge of Sorceresses requests a meeting with Ciri. They have a conversation with her, and we have a choice: either go with her for the conversation or let her go alone. Choose the second option - let her go alone. This way, she understands that you consider her mature enough to make decisions on her own, and it has a positive effect on the ending.

 Many players decide to go with her, thinking it's the right decision and that they are taking care of Ciri, but that's not the case. It has a negative impact. However, you will still learn what the sorceresses want from Ciri, so you won't lose anything if you let her go alone!

- Moving on to the next choice, again in act 3. This happens on Skellige, where we prepare for the battle with the Wild Hunt. We learn that the elf Avallac'h is on Skellige. Ciri wants to go there, and when we reach and explore that location, we discover many interesting things about the mysterious mage. One of the elven women we find in this laboratory says unpleasant things about Ciri on behalf of Avallac'h, which greatly upsets Ciri. And here comes another choice. We can simply calm Ciri down, or we can choose a dialogue option that leads to breaking the mage's laboratory. Choose the second option and destroy the laboratory. We have a good laugh, and then we leave the place. Ciri is pleased, and it's another plus. Avallac'h reacts to this action because he finds out that we entered his laboratory, but it doesn't affect the game's outcome.

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- Again, in Skellige, we have to make the final choice. We all remember Svorlag - the man who saved Ciri, whose relatives helped Ciri heal her wounds, and who was in love with her. In the end, he meets an unfortunate fate - when trying to save Ciri, he dies, and the villagers believe that he simply ran away when the Wild Hunt attacked them (which is untrue, as he was trying to save Ciri). As a result, he is not even properly buried. During the quest "Battle Preparations," Ciri asks us to go to Svorlag village. We go there, find out what happened to him, and set out to find his body. When we find it, Ciri is very upset because he wasn't given a proper burial and was simply thrown into a pit like a disgrace. We help Ciri give her friend a proper burial.

After all the aforementioned actions are completed, Ciri will go to fight the White Frost, emerge victorious, and return to Geralt. Then she becomes a true witcher and hunts monsters. From the ending, we can see that she genuinely enjoys it and is happy.

Additional endings related to this choice

If you choose this particular ending, depending on your other decisions, the ending itself will have several variations. Namely:

- If you help Dijkstra, decide to kill King Radovid, and ultimately support Dijkstra - a coup will occur, and as a result, Dijkstra will take power. This ending can even be considered good because the tyrant is dead. Unfortunately, if you choose this path, you will have to kill several old friends like Vernon, Bianca, and Thaler.

- The second ending regarding the war is supporting Vernon - Geralt's old friend. As we learn during the quests, Vernon has surrendered. He is no longer a partisan, although he pretends to be. We kill Radovid, but at the end of the quest, we choose to kill Dijkstra. After killing him, we continue the game following the above scheme and get an ending where Ciri becomes a witcher, and Emhyr seizes the entire North. He also eliminates traitors within his circle and expands his state. Temeria, on the other hand, simply gains the right to have its own economy.

- The third ending is considered the worst by many players. As we know, Radovid is a vile tyrant, a madman who hates all mages and anything related to mages, including alchemists. If you simply leave him alive without completing the quest to kill him, he will defeat Emhyr. In the end, Emhyr simply dies, which is not so bad, but what about the mages and alchemists? The treacherous tyrant orders the killing of a large number of mages and alchemists. We see the consequences of all actions, as corpses appear in many places, with hanging mages and alchemists, and it's just awful. The tyrant's fear leads to many deaths, so it's best to complete the quest to kill him.

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Author: Swordself14

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