In Genshin Impact, Silk Flower (Silkweed) can be found in the Mondstadt region, near the Windrise area.

2 mar 2021 at 10:41

Silk Flower in Genshin Impact - is a plant that can be found in certain parts of the Liyue region of Genshin. It is used as a material for raising Shen Cai and Hu Tao. It does not require special elemental interaction for harvesting. 

In this guide we will tell you about where to get and how to find Silk Flower in Genshin Impact. Let's go!

Where to buy Silk Flower

It should be noted that you can also buy the silk flower from the following merchants for 1000 Mora: Madam Bai in the town of Qingce, as well as Verr Goldet. You can buy 5 silk flowers at a time (approximately every 2 days).

Silk Flower Locations

Wanshu Inn 

The silk flower can be found on both sides of the road that passes by the Wanshu Inn in the very beginning of Liyue. On each side of the street you will find many silk flower blooms.

Jueyun Karst, Liyue Harbor 

In Liyue Harbor, players can climb up to the Jueyun Karst, an elevated platform with all the plants and pools near the Golden House offices. Here every couple of days there will be a few Silk Flowers that can be harvested.

Author: Niysha

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