Day 4 "Catch Me If You Can" - How and Where to Find Strange Hilichurls, Translations of the Day's Phrases

30 may 2021 at 8:27

Day 4 of the "Catch Me If You Can" event has arrived, and players once again need to track down the elusive Hilichurl. It is still roaming the map, and to find it, we will need Hilichurl phrases and two mutual exchanges.

In this guide, we will tell you how to complete Day 4 of the "Catch Me If You Can" event, where to find the elusive Hilichurl this time, and what to give it in exchange. Let's go!

Translation of the phrase "Gusha Celi Boya"

So, head towards the yellow circle marked on the map south of Qingce Village. Here, you will find the first Hilichurl at the western compass point. It will be searching for an item and saying the phrase "Gusha Celi Boya." This translates to red fruit or vegetable.

As an option, you can give it a tomato. If you don't have a tomato, go to the general stores in Liyue or Mondstadt and buy one, or acquire any other red fruit or vegetable.

Translation of the phrase "Lata Boya Sada"

After that, you will need to go and talk to another Hilichurl, this time near Wolvendom. You can find the exact location of the Hilichurl on the map below.

It will use the phrase "Lata Boya Sada," which translates to something solid and blue. You can give the creature almost any blue crystal, such as a Crystal Chunk, which many players should have in abundance.

When the Hilichurl becomes satisfied, it will provide you with information about the location of the elusive Hilichurl and when you can find it. We have already heard this phrase before - "Unta Mosi Dada," which means "the magical time between noon and sunset." Set the in-game time to some time after noon, and it should be nearby.

Refer to the screenshot above for its exact location. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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