The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog: how to start and complete the quest

25 dec 2023 at 11:07

The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog – the third story quest of the "Roses and Muskets" event in Genshin Impact.

The film shooting is coming to an end, but Chevreuse's investigation is gaining momentum. It seems that she is getting closer to the solution, but she needs the Traveler's help again to confirm her assumptions.

How to Start "The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog" Quest

The quest will be available in the game starting from December 23. If you started the event a bit later, you'll gain access to the task immediately after completing the previous mission - Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame. Rewind time to 08:00-10:00 of the next in-game day.

"The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog" Walkthrough

Head to the Meeting Point

Go to the location of the last scene shooting – to the Fountain of Lucine. Discuss upcoming actions with friends and start setting up the scene.

Shoot the Scene of Revenge and Victory over Enemies

Engage in a battle with a group of guards. Ayaka and Chevreuse will be given as trial characters. It's an excellent opportunity to try out the gameplay of the new character and learn about her abilities. The battle is symbolic – enemies deal minimal damage. Watch the final scene of the film and say goodbye to friends.

Follow the Clues with Chevreuse

Now it's time to get down to business – continue the investigation of the mysterious murder with Chevreuse. Head to the West Slopes of Mont Automnequi area. Approach the marker and talk to the girl who found a significant piece of evidence – the Rainbow Rose.

Defeat the Gendarmes

Proceed a bit further to the cliff from where the writer's house is visible. Chevreuse wants to visit it. Use the aim to shoot the Gendarmes surrounding the house. Deal with the enemies and descend to the house.

Head to the Writer's House

Chevreuse will talk to the writer Baptiste – the author of the book being adapted into the film. The man will preemptively admit to the murder of someone who took her mother's life several decades ago. It turns out that the novel is based on real events – his own life.

Talk to Baptiste, and then with Chevreuse. The writer will reveal the name of his mother's killer, but only Chevreuse will know about him. The girl seems to be contemplating something and warns that she won't be able to attend tomorrow's shoot due to work matters. Paimon and the Traveler understand that the commander is hiding something.

Next, the third story quest will begin – "Where the Roses Bloom."

Rewards for completing the quest:

  • 20 Primogems;
  • 20,000 Mora;
  • 2 Hero's Wit;
  • 4 Mystic Enhancement Ore.  
Author: victory

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