How to open Bravai's Hidden Study in Genshin Impact

5 nov 2023 at 10:01

Bravai's Hidden Study – a secret location located in Fontaine. Unlocking it completes a chain of riddles related to the Forging Press and rewards you with valuable chests and an achievement. To ensure you don't miss such a discovery due to human oversight or misunderstanding, we offer interested parties a small guide on the subject.

How to Find Bravai's Hidden Study

Teleport to the southeast relative to the Experimental Field Generator. Planning from the mountain will reveal a stepped depression in the ground – that's where you need to go.

How to Open Bravai's Hidden Study in Genshin Impact

If you have Lumenite-Arkhium (Arkhium Lumenite) with you, as described * here * in a guide on how to obtain it, the block under the locked door will shine blue. Use the mentioned item to open the door, and you'll also achieve "Not So Strait Is the Gate."

Right from the threshold, you can already see the Luxurious Chest and the blue barrier hiding the rest. You can get behind the barrier by climbing the adjacent column to the ceiling, onto the stone beam, and then jumping down.

The mechanism, which works by default, will release you back when necessary.

In the room, you will also find a Hydroculus, the Golden Bird’s Shedding artifact, and a Drained Conch Cup (in the Precious Chest).

Author: Swordself14

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