Those who hear the sea when you raise it in Genshin Impact - chest code.

11 jun 2021 at 11:21

One echo will give you a task called "Those Who Hear the Sea When You Lift It". This echo can be found on Twinning Island, right across from the teleport point.

Once you lift the echo, a new quest will appear in your world quest list called "Those Who Hear the Sea". Following the quest, you will come to a treasure trove where you will need to learn the code for the chest. Now let's get into the details.

What is the code for the chest on Twinning Island?

The map will lead you to a place where Hilichurl is digging something. After chasing him away, you will see a locked chest that can only be opened with a password.

To get the code, open the event page and then go to the first section "Songs of the Distant Home". If you have all the collected echoes, you will notice something interesting in the records.

They all start with a number and give a four-digit code 5-2-1-4. 

That's it, now all you have to do is enter it into the chest and the reward is yours. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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