Far Cry 6 Gameplay Leaks: New Crocodile Companion, Reactive Backpacks and More

28 may 2021 at 17:30
Recently, an unknown Reddit user leaked the Far Cry 6 gameplay trailer that was supposed to be officially released tomorrow!

Naturally, the video was removed, however you can find out the content in text format.

Far Cry 6 gameplay trailer: description

In the leaked six-minute video of Far Cry 6 gameplay, you can see the main hero Dani Rojas sowing chaos in the fictional state of Yara, raising weapons against the main antagonist "El Presidente" Antonia Castillo.

According to the video, there will be a choice between the main heroes - men and women. The environment landscape has more detailed cities and urban areas compared to its predecessors, but huge jungles and open spaces also amaze with their scale. In turn, the transport shown in the Far Cry 6 trailer is varied and excellently detailed. 

As for the new weapons, the trailer showed frames with a launcher for compact discs, Supremo backpacks that resemble jetpacks, and a lot of small arms. Various animal companions were also shown, from cute puppies to deadly alligators.

More detailed information will appear as soon as Ubisoft officially publishes the news on May 28 on YouTube and Twitch at 12:30 Moscow time.

Author: Niysha

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