IIFuturistic Project - AE Phase II

9 aug 2021 at 12:16

One of the most visually interesting tanks in the entire World of Tanks project is the American Tier IX heavy tank, the AE Phase. It doesn't appear in the tech trees, and you can't buy it for gold. Currently, the only way to obtain the tank is by earning Frontline Tokens. It's difficult to confuse it with other tanks - it has a huge elongated turret, a long barrel, and four tracks, two on each side, as well as a massive headlight on the turret. It feels like the tank is from another planet, as it looks nothing like the other combat vehicles.

What else is extraterrestrial about it?

So, if it's so fantastic, are its characteristics otherworldly? Unfortunately, not exactly. It has a very strong turret front with 292mm of armor, and that's about it in terms of heavy armor for this American tank. The turret sides have only 102mm of armor, and they can be penetrated by tanks starting from Tier VII. Considering its enormous size, it's quite easy to miss hitting it.

The hull has a rather amusing 121mm of armor on the front, and the sides are even less protected with only 89mm. There are no side skirts, and the armor angling doesn't provide any ricochets. The AE Phase gets penetrated by everything except shots to the front of the turret.

Amazing Gun and Average Mobility

This is what truly makes the tank imbalanced or, as players say, "OP." It has a decent average damage of 400 hit points, almost the best penetration at 258mm, a reload time of 9.28 seconds, and an average dispersion of 0.36. You can't call these characteristics outstanding, so what do players like about it? It has a very comfortable gun depression angle of -10 degrees!

Yes, it has an excellent gun depression, allowing you to shoot straight ahead or over the ridgelines. As a nice bonus, the turret rotation is quite fast, optimal for quickly reacting to changing situations and aiming at more dangerous enemies.

With a top speed of 35 km/h, the tank reaches it quite quickly due to its good power-to-weight ratio. One might think that four tracks would prevent it from being immobilized, but the developers didn't implement this mechanic, although it would have been very interesting.

Shoot from Hills and Avoid Direct Confrontation

The tactic of playing with the AE Phase is simple but requires some getting used to. After all, in a player's subconscious, a heavy tank should be used for breakthroughs, brawling, and brawling. But that's not the case with this American tank. In case of aggressive play and close-quarters engagement, opponents will send you to the garage in seconds because this heavy tank lacks armor. Stick to the second line and use ridgelines.

By doing so, you can take a position and not move, shooting to your heart's content if there's no artillery targeting you. This allows for precise aiming and excellent ricochets of incoming shots on the upper part of the turret.

The vertical angling is well visible in this screenshot. However, even in this position, there is a vulnerable spot on this tank, namely the commander's cupola, which protrudes quite prominently and can be targeted. An important rule, especially critical for this tank, is to avoid flank exposure, even from a distance, as opponents will surely hit the giant turret, and there is no armor on the sides. In general, you need to forget about close-quarter engagements with the AE Phase. It's not cowardice; it's tactics dictated by the combat vehicle's characteristics.

What to Upgrade

As a pleasant bonus when purchasing this tank with Frontline Tokens, you receive a 3D style that provides camouflage bonuses on all types of maps and an infinite Large Repair Kit. Yes, that's right, it's infinite and replenishes itself for free, which is a significant bonus. As for additional equipment, you can install Improved Hardening to increase the tank's survivability, as well as Enhanced Rotation Mechanism for more comfortable and precise shooting. A Gun Rammer will help improve the rate of fire.

For the crew, the standard progression is to train Brothers in Arms and perks that improve shooting. Next in line for training is Camouflage. Some players choose to prioritize Sixth Sense, but it's not necessary since this tank isn't meant for the front line, and rushing into battle with it is deadly.

Author: admin

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