Valorant: Tips for Beginners

4 aug 2021 at 12:25

Valorant is a multiplayer shooter released by Riot Games in 2020. The game combines the best elements from CS:GO and Overwatch, which is why it quickly gained popularity among fans of online battles. 

To win in Valorant, you need not only to shoot well but also to work well as a team. Experienced players excel in all these aspects, while newcomers who are just getting acquainted with multiplayer shooters may not immediately understand how to act correctly. To make your life easier, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with some basic tips that will help you in the game. 

Rules of Valorant

First and foremost, it is important to know the rules. In Valorant, teams of five players compete against each other. The battles take place on different maps, each with its own distinctive features. Each player can choose one of the 11 characters (Agents). An interesting feature of Valorant is that a team cannot have two identical agents. The entire match is divided into rounds, and to win, a team must win 13 rounds. 

Starting from the first round, one team attacks while the other defends. After 12 rounds, their roles switch. The ways to win a round vary for each team. The attackers must either eliminate all enemies or plant and detonate the bomb. The defenders must either defuse the bomb or eliminate all members of the opposing team. All of this will be familiar to those who have played Counter-Strike on maps where planting the bomb was required. 

 However, Valorant is more similar to CS:GO. It also features money that you need to spend on weapons, armor, and other items. You can earn credits by winning rounds, getting kills, planting or defusing the bomb, and performing other useful actions. 

It's not a race. Walk carefully

This applies to those who are playing multiplayer shooters for the first time. Experienced players know that running around the map is not necessary. The thing is, in that case, the enemy can hear your footsteps clearly and be prepared for an encounter. To avoid this, you should use Shift for silent movement. The game provides a map that shows your character's position, and when you run, a circle appears indicating the distance at which the sound can be heard. 

But if you simply stand still, you can easily become a target for enemy shooters. To avoid this, you need to learn to combine shooting and movement. You can fire a few bursts from your position, then move to the side and open fire again. 

Only when you've mastered the basic shooting mechanics can you try shooting while on the move. But it's very challenging, and you'll have to make a significant effort to kill enemies. 

Proper Financial Management

Many beginners believe that they need to spend as much as possible on weapons and armor in every round. But that's not always advisable. It's important to keep an eye on your teammates and choose weapons based on their capabilities. Of course, you can buy a high-powered gun, but your chances of winning will be minimal if everyone else only has basic pistols. Therefore, it's worth saving your money in the early rounds and making do with what you have. This will allow you to accumulate a decent amount of money to purchase better equipment. 

By the way, remember that all weapons and armor remain with your character if they didn't die in the previous round. Therefore, you won't have to spend money on them again. So, if you win, try to pick up more powerful weapons when possible. Your teammates may also ask you to take a specific gun. Always help them, as successful teamwork plays a crucial role in Valorant. 

A Round Without Armor is a Lost Round

Having cool guns is great, of course. But if you get killed, it won't matter much. To avoid this, it's crucial to pay attention to buying good armor. It's recommended to purchase it at the beginning of each round, and it's not worth neglecting. Without armor, a single precise burst is enough to end the fight prematurely. So, don't go into battle without it. It's better to buy a simpler weapon but wear sturdy armor. 

Proper Aim Placement is Important

Many beginners make the mistake of running around the map and looking at the ground. As a result, when they unexpectedly encounter an enemy, they don't have time to aim properly and quickly die. To avoid this, you need to learn to move correctly. Your crosshair should always be at chest or head level of the enemy. From the very beginning rounds, you should only act this way. It will help you aim at enemies faster and achieve victories. To determine the proper crosshair placement, you can initially aim at a teammate's position at the start of a round. 

Following these tips will be enough to make even beginners feel quite confident in Valorant. With time, you'll improve your shooting skills and become more effective for your team. But it's important to start with these basic recommendations. 

Author: admin

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