


Trash Items
  • 3745
  • 1484
  • 0
Trash Items

A mod for Valheim adds a special field to the inventory menu. Just throw unnecessary items there and they will be deleted instantly and irrevocably. With version 1.2.2, a hotkey (by default, the Delete key) has been added. Press it and you can delete items from the inventory without going into the menu.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 1.2.7
Instant Monster Loot Drop
  • 2279
  • 1032
  • 0
Instant Monster Loot Drop

Simple mod for Valheim makes it so that after killing mobs they instantly drop all loot and explode.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 0.5.0
Custom Textures
  • 6152
  • 2415
  • 0
Custom Textures

A mod for Valheim allows you to change the game's default textures to your own. It is a very convenient tool. You will be able to make your own graphical changes to the game. In addition, many texture mods will require the presence of this mod. For now, you can change textures of characters, equipment, and various objects in the game. In order to replace some textures, you need to replace the corresponding files with your own (must be .png format) at the path BepInEx/plugins/CustomTextures (appears after installing the mod). To update the textures in the game, you need to enter and press PageDown (by default). Character texture files (GG): player_model_modelNumber_texture.png player_model_modelNumber_bump.png Here, instead of modelNumber, you need to replace with 0 or 1. Code 0 is for male characters, and 1 is for female characters. That is, in the end, the names should look like this, depending on the gender of your character. player_model_1_texture.png player_model_1_bump.png Equipment textures: item_itemName_texture item_itemName_bump item_itemName_metal The same as with characters - the itemName factor needs to be changed to the name of the item you need. The name should be in English. All other files are related to world objects. Nothing complicated - just take a look at the files and everything will become clear. Everything works as simple as possible.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 3.3.1
Better Trader
  • 10267
  • 2752
  • 0
Better Trader

Standard traders in Valheim have a very limited selection of goods. With this mod you will get a new trading menu and the trader will sell 150+ items. You can add or remove items from the assortment yourself and set the price in the configuration files. Configuration files: - The item_defaults.cfg file sets the prices of items at the trader; - Menthus.bepinex.plugins.BetterTrader.cfg allows you to edit items, add and remove, change the defaults; - You can use BepInEx ConfigurationManager for more convenient mod settings.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 3.0.3
  • 7671
  • 2259
  • 0

The Valheim gameplay mod allows for farming in a completely new, convenient and fast way. Now you can mass harvest crops or mass plant them. When you press the Left Shift (Right Shift) button, the character will start harvesting one type of crop in a 5x5 radius, or planting them in the same radius.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 1.9
Auto Fuel
  • 5426
  • 2555
  • 0
Auto Fuel

The Valheim mod allows for "fuel" (e.g. wood for a furnace) to be used on an automated basis. Simply place the necessary resources and sources consuming the fuel in a container or on the ground within a 10-meter radius, and the sources will automatically replenish their supplies.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 1.2.0
Craft Build Smelt Cook Fuel Pull From Containers
  • 7447
  • 4199
  • 0
Craft Build Smelt Cook Fuel Pull From Containers

A mod for Valheim allows you to use resources from nearby containers when building and crafting, so now you don't have to keep items for crafting in your inventory. Just put a container next to the workbench, put resources in it and craft calmly. The standard radius is 10 units, but after installation the indicator can be changed by editing the file at the path BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.CraftFromContainers.cfg (appears after installing the mod and first launching the game).

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 3.5.1
Better Archery
  • 7711
  • 2620
  • 0
Better Archery

Better Archery is one of the best and most popular mods for Valheim. The mod improves archery overall, introduces new features, enhances arrow flight physics, quiver system, and much more. Quiver This feature is disabled by default due to compatibility issues with some other mods, but you can enable it at any time in the configuration files. - The mod adds 1 type of quiver: leather quiver. To craft this quiver, you'll need leather scraps (20 units), deer hides and troll hides (10 each). This quiver provides 3 additional arrow slots, but more importantly, you can quickly and easily switch between these arrows using the Alt + 1, 2, 3 keys. Sniper Mode when Shooting - You can easily aim while shooting by simply right-clicking; - The higher your archery skill, the closer you can zoom in while shooting, and the better your aiming will be; - If you're aiming and want to cancel the process, you can press the E key (by default); - In the configuration files, you can enable automatic zooming when you start shooting. Arrow Retrieval System This system was sorely needed, and with this mod for Valheim, everything falls into place. Now, after shooting, there is a chance to retrieve the arrow. - Wooden arrows can be retrieved with a 30% chance; - Flint arrows have a 30% chance of returning; - Bronze arrows can be retrieved with a 50% chance; - Iron arrows return with a 70% chance; - Obsidian arrows have a 70% chance of returning; - Needle arrows: 10%; - Fire arrows: 0%; - Poison arrows have a 70% chance of returning an obsidian arrow; - Silver arrows return with a 50% chance; - Frost arrows return an obsidian arrow with a 70% chance. Other Changes - Improved arrow physics, flight speed, and more; - Improved crosshair; - You can now craft wooden arrows as well as makeshift arrows; - While shooting from stealth, you'll see the damage dealt in the upper left corner (implemented similarly to Skyrim). Partial Incompatibility with Mods As mentioned, the mod has certain incompatibilities. Let's go over them: - More Slots. There's an issue with the quiver, a visual bug. Simply change the quiver position to {"x":-347.0, "y":-167.0} to resolve the problem. - FIXED! Equipment and Quick Slot. Again, an issue with the quiver, so it's better to disable the quiver in the configuration files, which will immediately remove 3 compatibility bugs. - Valheim Plus. There are 2 problems with this mod. The first bug is related to the quiver. If the quiver is disabled in the configuration files, there are no problems. The second issue arises with the first-person view added by Valheim Plus. In this mode, there's a bug with aiming the bow. You can simply disable the first-person view feature in the Valheim Plus configuration files, and everything will be fine.

6 jan 2024 | Ver. 1.9.4