The best cheats for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 Heart of Chernobyl

3 sep 2024 at 19:12

Cheats in Stalker 2 will help you simplify gameplay and add new features that are not available in the "vanilla" version of the game: infinite health, ammo, money, stamina, and more.

On our website, you can download all the cheats for Stalker 2 listed here. Enjoy your game!

Cheat Engine Table

Cheat Engine is a ready-made set of functions that you can toggle on/off in the table before starting the game. If desired, you can disable a previously used function or try a new one. The interface is user-friendly, and this cheat is one of the most popular. The commands included in the set are:

  • Infinite HP - increases health to maximum;
  • Infinite Ammo - increases ammo to maximum;
  • Infinite Items - increases items to maximum;
  • Infinite Money - increases money to maximum;
  • Infinite Stamina - infinite stamina;
  • No Recoil - no weapon recoil;
  • Rapid Fire - fast shooting;
  • No Misfire - no misfires or overheating;
  • One Shot Kill - kill enemies with one shot/hit;
  • Speed Hack - increases movement speed;
  • No Weight - items in the inventory have no weight.

Trainer 10+

The Trainer works similarly to the Cheat Engine table. It's a program that includes a set of functions that can also be toggled on/off at will. The commands in the "Trainer 10+" set are:

  • Infinite Ammo - infinite ammo supply;
  • No Recoil - no recoil;
  • No Misfire - no misfire;
  • Rapid Fire - fast shooting mode;
  • Infinite Stamina - infinite stamina;
  • Speed Hack - increased movement speed;
  • No Weight - items in the inventory have no weight;
  • God Mode - immortality, "God mode";
  • Freeze Money - money is "frozen" and not spent when purchasing;
  • One Shot Kill - kill enemies with one shot.
These are all the cheats currently available for Stalker 2. The list will be updated after the game's release. Stay tuned for updates!
Author: victory

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