Resident Evil Village: Cheats for Infinite Ammo

6 may 2021 at 20:19

In the game, there is a way to obtain infinite ammunition without halting your progress in collecting trophies. This guide will be useful for those who want to get infinite ammo in Resident Evil Village. 

Firstly, it's important to note that infinite ammo is not achieved through hacking the game; it works differently. You will receive it if you complete the entire story, and the developers will provide it to you. However, not everyone wants to replay the game multiple times, which is why we have written this article.

How to Unlock Infinite Ammo in Resident Evil Village

Currently, there are 15 weapons in the game with infinite ammo. Once you have completed the story, go to the bonuses tab and then to the extra content shop. The last option is only available to those who have completed the entire story. 

In the shop, you will use CP currency, which you will earn by completing tasks during the game. 

Also, don't overlook the fact that to use weapons with infinite ammo, you need to unlock all the weapon parts and purchase all the upgrades. You can buy half of what you need, and the rest will be found during the course of the game. Prepare yourself for the fact that the prices will be quite steep, as you will need at least 1 million of the local currency. 

There is one code that can help you avoid all the associated difficulties. 

So, here's what you need to do: 

  1. Create a manual save.

  2. Purchase all weapon mods and parts.

  3. Create another save in a different slot.

  4. Exit to the main menu.

After these manipulations, you will find infinite ammo in the corresponding menu. Now, simply buy this cheat with the local currency, and the ammo will remain with you while everything else returns. 

Weapons with Infinite Ammo

The game will not disable any trophies or your ability to earn them, so enjoy the process.

You can only use unlimited ammo for the grenade launcher after completing the main story, but remember that you will need to buy the weapon itself from the merchant before being able to use it. You can disable infinite ammo at any time.

Author: Niysha

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