Disadvantages of Red Dead Redemption 2: Plot Inconsistencies

23 mar 2021 at 13:57

There is no doubt that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a highly quality and well-crafted game with a detailed open world. The addition of Arthur Morgan to John Marston's story creates a wonderful Western game with a unique atmosphere. However, that doesn't mean the game is without its flaws. 

No game is perfect, especially when it comes to a story with a non-chronological order of events. In this article, we will tell you about all the narrative inconsistencies in Red Dead Redemption 2 that you may have missed. Let's go!

John Marston - the Real Liar

It's obvious that the mechanics of any good game improve over time: swimming, sliding, and much more are added. In the first part of Red Dead Redemption, the main character, John Marston, couldn't swim (due to the absence of such a mechanic in the engine). 

When you play as him after Arthur's death in the second part of RDR, the character immediately drowns. However, when the character is in the role of an NPC, he quickly and without much difficulty makes it to the shore. The explanation here is obvious: the NPC mechanics are already designed to accommodate swimming, and the developers apparently didn't think about this small detail. It's not critical, but those who immersed themselves in the story will immediately notice such a narrative inconsistency.

John Marston's Eyes

RDR 2 is perhaps the most detailed game of the modern era. It has everything, from rustling grass in strong winds to pupils narrowing in bright sunlight. However, many players have noticed that the color of John's eyes has changed over time. 

In the first part of the game, John Marston's eyes were dark brown, but in the second part, they have noticeably lightened. Perhaps this was done intentionally, as it's possible for someone's eye color to change over the years due to injury, genetics, or excessive sun exposure. 

John Marston Had Two Children

In Red Dead Redemption 1, it was stated that John and Abigail Marston actually had two children: Jack and his unnamed younger sister. She was mentioned several times in the original game in various missions, including the mission with Bonnie MacFarlane, Louisa Fortuna, Nigel West Dickens, and many others. 

In the first part of the game, no tombstone or name was created for the "mysterious" child. The only thing we know is that the daughter died "years later" after John joined the gang. This means she was born somewhere between the end of RDR 1 and RDR 2. 

Author: Niysha

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