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People Playground
13 with 1609 for People Playground

Mod Nova's Iron Man Mod version 24.08.2024 for People Playground
- Tony Stark;
- Mark 42;
- Mark 85.
The costumes are fully functional as in the films.
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Many believed that by 2021 people would have flying cars. Unfortunately, this did not happen, but fortunately no one forbids us to do this in computer games. The mod for People Playground adds a flying vehicle MK-1. The default speed is 20 km/h. Control: - Start: T; - Forward: O; - Back: I; - Radio: R; - Lighting: L, K, J; - Steering wheel: NUM 1, NUM 2; - Trunk: NUM 3.

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Mode for PIPL Playground adds a new tank. Model: Tiger H1.

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New cool tank that can even swim. Control: - Key F: turn on/off engine; - Right arrow - turn on "water" engine; - Key I: aiming (up); - Key K: aiming (down); - Key O: shoot; - Key L: turn on/off lighting.

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The mod adds a new deadly military technology to People Playground: OP YAG 10. Control keys: N, M, K.

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Mode for Pippl Playground adds a regular boat for moving on water.

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New air transport in the form of a mini-helicopter for People Playground.

- 11177
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A small vessel that will appear in your game thanks to this mod for Pip Playground.
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