How to protect territory in Minecraft

11 dec 2021 at 13:17

Many, especially new players, find it difficult to understand all the intricacies of private property. Nevertheless, this process is an integral part of multiplayer Minecraft.

Why do you need private property?

Players on servers often encounter griefing. Usually, this happens when people forget to protect their territory. Unfriendly users may try to break into someone else's house or simply steal everything from chests. To prevent this, it is necessary to create a private territory for your possessions.

Therefore, private property is primarily the protection of your territory and all your belongings. It consists of creating your personal rights to use certain blocks in the designated area. It is the best defense against griefing - the process of destroying or stealing someone else's property.

How to protect your territory?

In Minecraft, there are two ways to protect your territory. The first one is done manually using a wooden axe. The second one is done entirely through the command console (chat). However, make sure that the server actually has a plugin for protection. Sometimes it may not be available.

Manual method

For the manual method, you need to craft a wooden axe. However, the plugin in the online game has a command "//wand" that immediately gives you the necessary tool. Then, you can proceed with the process.

Private protection is achieved by selecting two points in space. They should be at different heights and angles from each other in our imaginary parallelepiped (rectangle, square, cube). To explain it more clearly, the following illustration is available:

Thus, you mentally choose the space for your future house (or other structure). Then, go to point A. Left-click with the wooden axe. Next, move to point B and right-click. Done! The territory is marked. Now, all you have to do is enter the command "/rg claim [any region name]". That's it! The private protection of the area is complete.

It is worth noting that you can change the mouse buttons; it doesn't matter. The main thing is that they are different for points A and B.

Command-only method

You can also protect your territory without a wooden axe. To do this, stand at point A and then enter the command "//pos 1". This will be the first point of protection. The second point is done in the same way, but with "//pos2". Then, type "/rg claim [region name]".

There is another variation of this method. For this, we can simply stand in place. Then, using the crosshair (cursor in the center), aim at the desired point A - type "//hpos1". Done! The first point will be set. After that, turn around, aim at point B - type "//hpos2". Then, "/rg claim [region name]".

Chunk Privatization

In fact, there is another way to protect the territory. However, it mainly applies to administrators, as the method covers a very large number of blocks.

Chunk - this is a 16 by 16 blocks area and 256 blocks deep. There is a special command that allows you to select this territory. Enter "//chunk". Then, you can create a private region again or expand the territory by a few blocks in any direction. Additional commands will be discussed below.

All Private Commands

"//wand" - gives the character a wooden axe.

"/rg claim [name]" - creates a protected region with the specified name on the selected territory.

"//sel" - removes the selection grid, if available in the plugin version used on the server.

"//pos1" - sets the first point for privatization.

"//pos2" - sets the second point for privatization.

"//hpos1" - sets the first point for privatization using the cursor.

"//hpos2" - sets the second point for privatization using the cursor.

"//shift u/d/n/s/w/e>" - shifts the selected territory grid. The directions are specified in English: up/down/north/south/west/east.

"//expand u/d/n/s/w/e>" - expands the private area by the specified number of blocks in the specified direction.

"//contract u/d/n/s/w/e>" - reduces the private area by the specified number of blocks in the specified direction.

"//chunk" - selects the chunk.

"/rg flag    pvp allow/deny" - allows (allow) or denies (deny) PvP in the selected region.

"/rg addmember    " - adds a player to the members of the private region. Members cannot use certain commands related to regions, such as deleting the private region.

"/rg removemember    " - removes a player from the members of the private region.

"/rg addowner    " - adds a player to the owners of the private region.

"/rg removeowner  " - removes a player from the owners of the private region.

Author: Zhenialker

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