Eyeless Dog in Lethal Company: how to defeat

5 jan 2024 at 11:02

Eyeless Dogs – hostile mobs that can be encountered in the wild while exploring the moons in Lethal Company. These medium-sized, fanged monsters bear little resemblance to real dogs.

Their distinctive feature is a massive mouth with long white fangs, and the main and largest part of their body is the head. Eyeless Dogs are incredibly fast, aggressive, and instantly attack an Operative once they notice them.

In this guide, you will learn how to defeat Eyeless Dogs and what tactics to employ to successfully avoid them.

Why Eyeless Dogs are Dangerous

Individual dogs are less dangerous, and escaping from them is easier. However, packs of dogs pose the greatest threat. You can identify the appearance of mobs by the characteristic growling, warning Operatives of impending danger.

Since the dogs are blind, they primarily rely on hearing. If a player makes noise, the monster can detect them instantly. The mob will react to any sounds made in the microphone.

How to Defeat Eyeless Dogs

Eyeless Dogs are among the few monsters in Lethal Company that can actually be killed. Here's how to do it and what to pay attention to in order to avoid their clutches:

  • If you find yourself too close to the monsters, avoid making loud noises. For added safety, you can adjust the microphone settings or disable it altogether, but it will be less interesting. The monster won't react if you quietly communicate with other players via radio to warn them of the danger. However, loud speech, shouting, running, and noise will instantly trigger the dogs;
  • Use a boombox to distract a pack of dogs, for example, if they spawned near the spacecraft, and one of the players needs to board to carry the acquired items. Play music and place the device in a convenient location. The pack will head toward the sound, clearing the way;
  • You can kill the dogs with a regular shovel, but it will be challenging if the creature is conscious. Stun the dog beforehand with a shocker or a flashbang grenade. Act as quickly as possible; you have a limited amount of time.

To kill dogs, 3-5 shovel hits are sufficient. To do it faster, team up with other players. If the dog wakes up earlier, it can quickly kill you. Remember that the monster will pass by if you just stay quiet and still.

We do not recommend engaging in a fight with packs – they are too dangerous, and stunning all dogs at once is practically impossible. Victory won't yield achievements and special resources, but at least you will know what it's like to kill one of the dangerous monsters in Lethal Company.

Author: victory

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