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Lethal Company
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Lethal Company Cheats
Lethal Company Cheats add numerous interesting features that will make your game more flexible and enjoyable. Activate immortality mode, add any amount of credits, control the lobby, speed, game flow, and all gameplay according to your preferences. Most cheats are grouped into ready-made assemblies with specific settings. Choose the ones you want to use in your game.

LethalExpansion - a mod manager with 28 settings. You can change them before starting the game in the "Mod Settings" menu.
- New moon catalog;
- Expedition extension and quota increase;
- Settings synchronization with the host;
- Compatibility with players with the vanilla version of the game;
- Displaying time in 24-hour format, weight in kilograms, and more.
Some settings:
- GlobalTimeSpeedMultiplier - change the time flow rate;
- lengthOfHours - change the number of seconds in 1 hour;
- NumberOfHours - set the maximum duration of the expedition in hours;
- DeadlineDaysAmount - set the number of days to complete the quota;
- MapSizeMultiplier - change the map size;
- PreventMineToExplodeWithItems - removes mine explosions if an item falls on them;
- StartingCredits - change the amount of credits players receive at the start;
- StartingQuota - change the starting quota;
- KickPlayerWithoutMod - remove players without LethalExpansion installed from the lobby, etc.

LethalOS - a convenient in-game library for creating your own modifications. The tool allows any user to create their own mod, use it in the game, and share it with others.
Cheat Engine Table

Works based on the Cheat Engine program. Adds the following functions to the game:
- Unlimited Credits — unlimited credits for players;
- Time Stop - stop time;
- God Mode — activate God mode (immortality);
- Unlimited Stamina — unlimited stamina;
- Multiply Move Speed — increase movement speed;
- Get Jump Data — edit jumps;
- Force Pause — pause the game;
- Speedhack (Ctrl+/Ctrl-) — adjust game speed.
Functions to be used in the game should be checked in Cheat Engine.
Trainer + 40 Settings

Cheat adding 40 new in-game settings. Some of them include:
- Always 2500 Cash — always get 2500 credits at the start for all players;
- All items are free — all items for purchase in the terminal are free;
- No Player Damage — players cannot be damaged;
- God mode — activate God mode;
- Infinite Sprint — infinite sprint;
- Walk Speed Boost — increase walking speed;
- Always Sanity at 0 - sanity value always at 0, player does not go insane;
- Keep Lobby Open after Game Starts - lobby remains open after the game starts;
- Build Anywhere — build anywhere;
- Invisible for enemies — invisibility mode (only for monsters);
- Double Jump Height - double jump, etc.
Only English language is supported.
Download Trainer for Lethal Company
ESP Lethal Company

A small cheat menu with several settings that can be toggled:
- Display the number of enemies in the upper left corner of the screen;
- Infinite sprint;
- God mode - player is immortal (exception: monsters that kill instantly);
- 200 credits at the start of the game;
- Notification of team member deaths;
- Default crowbar cost: 420 credits.
ESP function displays the status of team members, monsters, turrets, mines, doors, terminal, etc.
PDK's Cheat Mod Menu

Another convenient mod manager with over 30 settings:
- God mode;
- Unlock all items;
- Infinite sprint;
- Change movement speed;
- Teleport to other players, to the complex entrance, or ship;
- Explode all mines on the location/disable all turrets;
- Activate night vision;
- Fix all steam valves;
- Start/finish the game;
- Open all doors;
- Heal/damage another player;
- Show all monsters, etc.
Some functions are only available to hosts.

Anubis - a standard cheat menu with some meme features, some of which have become popular in Lethal Company let's plays. Key features include:
- God mode;
- Infinite sprint;
- Auto-aim;
- Automatic healing for players with HP below 30;
- ESP effects for players, monsters, items, ground mines, turrets;
- Kill player;
- Teleport to player;
- Orbit mode - freely fly around and view the entire location;
- Teleport to respawn point/complex entrance;
- Teleport to a saved position (must be set);
- Sit on the head of a selected player;
- Kill all but yourself;
- Start/finish the game;
- Add/remove a selected amount of credits.
Download the compilation you like from the link and change the rules of the game as you see fit.
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