When will Hollow Knight: Silksong be released - features and new game details.

26 apr 2021 at 10:53

Hollow Knight: Silksong is one of the most anticipated games of recent years, as its predecessor stood out with its popularity. According to new rumors that have leaked into the network, the release of Silksong is scheduled for 2021, although many players expected it to come out in 2020. 

Despite the fact that quite a lot is already known about the game, and even a small demo version has been released - the developers do not give any hint of the exact release date.

Features of the game Hollow Knight: Silksong 

Detailed description of the plot and game content read here.

  • Discover a whole new kingdom! Explore coral forests, mossy grottoes, gilded cities and misty wastelands, climbing to the shining citadel at the top of the world.
  • Perform deadly acrobatic tricks! Use a completely new set of deadly movements, dancing between enemies in battle.
  • Create powerful tools! Master an ever-expanding arsenal of weapons, traps and mechanisms to outwit your enemies and explore new heights.
  • Solve shocking quests! Track rare beasts, unravel ancient secrets and search for lost treasures to fulfill the wishes of the oppressed and restore the faith of the kingdom. Get ready for unexpected turns!
  • Face more than 150 new enemies! Beasts and hunters, killers and kings, monsters and knights, defeat them all with courage and skill!
  • Challenge the Silk Soul mode! Once you conquer the kingdom, test your skills in a completely new mode that turns the game into a unique and difficult experience.
  • Play under stunning orchestral music! Award-winning composer Hollow Knight Christopher Larkin returns to bring melancholic melodies, symphonic sounds and soul-stirring music during boss battles.
Author: Niysha

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