Hearthstone Class Overview Guide for Beginners

9 aug 2021 at 12:24

Hearthstone is a card game set in the Warcraft universe. It was released in 2014 and continues to be popular among many gamers. The gameplay is similar to other card games, where you need to build your own collection. You can acquire new cards in several ways: by purchasing new sets or completing quests.

 Each card has its unique abilities and characteristics. Players need to strategically combine them to defeat their opponents. Spells and the hero's power can be used in battles. The main objective is to reduce the opponent's health to zero.

What beginners need to know

In Hearthstone, there are four types of cards: Minions, Spells, Weapons, and Heroes. Cards of each type are divided into nine classes. To successfully compete against other players, it is necessary to carefully study the features and strengths of all the cards and classes.

What to consider when choosing a class

First, it is important to understand the basic characteristics of each class. This will help determine which one is the best choice. Additionally, the class will also influence the battle strategy. As mentioned before, there are nine classes in the game, and each has its own unique features.


Druids allow beginners to choose from a variety of different battle strategies. For example, Malfurion Stormrage can weaken the opponent during an attack. Moreover, only Druids have the ability to use the "Choose One" spell, which allows the player to select one of several card plays. It is advisable for beginners to use the "Wrath" and "Starfire" cards. Their combination increases the chances of winning. If mana becomes insufficient, it is recommended to use the "Wild Growth" card. It replenishes resources and allows for more frequent use of spells in battle.


When choosing the Paladin class, it is important to focus all efforts on developing abilities for attacking enemies. Paladins also have unique cards. For instance, the hero Uther Lightbringer can summon a companion who fights alongside him throughout the battle. Additionally, the "Divine Shield" can be used to summon a powerful ally, whose destruction will cost the opponent a great deal of effort.

The ability of Paladins to summon such creatures allows them to significantly strengthen their army. To attack the enemy's hero and minions, it is advisable to combine the "Equality" and "Consecration" cards. This combination allows for quicker victories. Moreover, Paladins are capable of restoring their own health and resisting enemy attacks for longer.


Representatives of the Shaman class can use both offensive and healing spells. The "Summon Totem" card can be used to summon a random totem onto the battlefield. These are special creatures that can provide great benefits in battle. It is important to remember that they cannot inflict any damage immediately after being summoned. They need to be empowered using special spells. Afterward, the totems can either attack enemies or heal allies.


Rogues are known for their ruthlessness and willingness to eliminate anyone in their path. The hero Valeera Sanguinar particularly exemplifies their mercilessness. She can use the power of "Master of Blades" to obtain a weapon. With it, she can attack the enemy even without using weapon cards. If the opponent's hero has less than two health points, Valeera can simply destroy them.

With the right strategy, Rogues can quickly gain control of the battlefield. They have cards that provide advantages over their opponents. For example, the "Adventurer" and "Mana Addict" can be used to significantly increase the hero's attack level.


The heroes of this class are known for their frequent use of weapons and powerful minions in battle. Warriors appeal to those who advocate an aggressive style of combat. Players can summon creatures that either attack enemies or act as living shields, absorbing all damage. Additionally, "Combo" cards can be used, which grant additional armor points with each attack on your hero.


Mages focus on using powerful spells in battle. "Fireball" deals significant damage and can nullify the "Divine Shield" spell, inflicting damage on enemies that have "Taunt" ability. Moreover, mages have the ability to summon powerful allies onto the battlefield. Their arsenal includes spells that enhance minions, increase armor, and attack opponents.


When playing as hunters, it is essential to play cards like "Timber Wolf" and "Tundra Rhino" in battles. These cards allow you to summon powerful allies that contribute to victory in combat. Hunters also possess other interesting abilities. They can cause all hero attributes to increase when killing enemy creatures.

Additionally, the class has a unique card that can instantly end the battle. By using the "Unleash the Hounds" spell, all your creatures will immediately attack, dealing critical damage to the enemy.


Heroes of the Warlock class primarily use dark spells in battle. They are capable of summoning various powerful creatures that make a significant contribution to defeating enemies. Additionally, they can use the power of "Life Tap."

This ability not only inflicts damage but also grants an additional card. Warlocks also possess a card that can dramatically change the course of the battle. If you manage to play the "Lord Jaraxxus" card, your health points will immediately increase by 15. This can lead to victory when it seems that nothing else can help.


This class specializes in healing. In battle, priests can restore their own health and heal allies. The priest deck includes cards that protect minions and allow them to recover quickly. However, healing is not the only aspect of their gameplay. Priests also utilize dark spells that can change the hero's power type and inflict damage on enemies. By using the "Circle of Healing" spell, they can both heal allies and attack enemies.

What Attracts Beginners to Hearthstone

At first glance, Hearthstone may seem like a very complex game that beginners will find difficult to grasp. Memorizing all the combinations, card sets, spells, and minions can be challenging. However, with patience, thorough knowledge of all the cards, and the development of a personal strategy, Hearthstone reveals itself in a different light and becomes highly engaging to play. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to familiarize themselves with the specifics of the main classes. This way, they can derive genuine pleasure from Hearthstone.

Tips for Beginners to Understand the Game Faster

Many experienced gamers have shared various tips on the internet that can help newcomers quickly orient themselves in the game and achieve success. Among all these tips, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • First and foremost, it is necessary to study all the cards. This allows for faster learning and winning battles against fellow beginners.
  • Like in chess, in Hearthstone, it is important to plan your future moves several turns ahead. Try to anticipate how the enemy will respond to your current move to know what to do next. Constantly analyze your opponent's actions and predict their moves.
  • Learn from professionals. Regularly watching streams of the best gamers can be beneficial. Many professional players have been training for years and participate in international tournaments. They use various tricks in the game, and beginners can adopt some of their techniques.
  • Don't try to learn all the decks. It is enough to focus on one or two. It is better to fully master one deck than to have superficial knowledge of them all. With one deck, you can become a true master and prevail over many opponents.
  • During the game, it is helpful to keep track of all the cards that have been played. This allows for a better understanding of the game and control over the course of the battle.
Author: Swordself14

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